Nightmares and black pegasus

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Rosemary's pov
I wake up to the sixth time this week of my little step sister sleeping with me because of nightmares. I take her and walk with her into breakfast where I finally decided to tell Sif against my step sisters wishes about the nightmare. That's been happening for the past week or so. She nods and tell Thor as I walk away and help her reach the bowls and food like I always do she is little so she can't reach the full height of the table. She thanks me and I nod then after breakfast I have school with I walk into my room and pull out my clothes and put them on. I step in front of the mirror and decide it looks a little boarding so I add the green flowers from yesterday into my hair. It matches my cloak that is blue. I smile and walk out of my room and give Sif a spin and she says she likes it. I smile and walk to school. The boys who aren't as advanced as me take one look and my new outfit and their jaws fell open you see I never um as you say usually dress up. I usually keep my hair down and usually try to hide but not today. Not ever again will I be so miserable I shall make this promise to myself. Then I reach the school After secretly laughing at the boys shock. I walk into school and enchantress had a surprise for me. She said it was birthday present I never expected it though I never imagined she would get me a black Pegasus. She says today's lesson would be the one where I learn to ride him and I get name him and keep him as my very own. Oh how I am so excited. But I must keep calm I do not want to scare my Pegasus. I calmly walk over to him and I say " I decided to name you thunder not after Thor but because thunder is truly beautiful and powerful and you are both of these things." My Pegasus whinnies in response. I smile and decide that I really wanted to ride him. Enchantress smiled and said "I love the name thunder I think it suits him perfectly." Then she helps me saddle him and teaches me the basics before we take off she rented her self and female white Pegasus with the name lightning. We took off really fast and the wind whipped through my hair and instantly I was glad I put it up so I would not have a mess to deal with later. Then we start to under her instruction to do flips and tricks that she said would even knock professional of there Pegasus. I smiled and then I asked her if we could startle Thor. And she said why not. So we rushed over to the palace and Thor happened to be outside and we scared the crap out of him. I laughed and he. Yelled "aren't you supposed to be in school?" Then enchantress replies " she is weeks ahead of other there fore we can take the day after her birthday for her to have fun with her Pegasus." He says "you got her a Pegasus ?" and she says "yes I did get over it." Then we leave before Thor can yell any more. His voice is so tiring really. Then we fly over to where enchantress had to go. I got off thunder and just sat down on the ground next to his side and I asked him to stand still and pulled out a note book and drew a picture of him and me. I showed him the picture and asked him what he thought and he whinnied back what felt like a it is amazing so I decided I would hang it up at his stall. Then enchantress had come back out so I got back on thunder and I had shown her the drawing and she said she like it. That made me smile and then class was over their fore I had to put thunder up in his stall. Then I hung up the picture and made sure he had food and water then I found Thor watching me with Sif and enchantress take care of thunder. Then even though I knew they were watching I pretended they weren't and said to thunder "I love you I will hopefully see you tomorrow." Then I kissed him on the muzzle and walked out and pretended to act surprised and said "oh I didn't see you their hoe long have you been here?" Then they just smiled a smile that says I think it is a good idea she has thunder. I smiled and walked away.
Thor pov
I walked into the stall where she kept thunder after she left because I wanted to get a better look at the picture she hung up it turns out she drew he stand at his Side and she had drawn a smile on her face. That made me happy because she never used to draw smiles on her face when she use to draw. I showed them. The picture and they smiled at the fact of her smile in the drawing.
Hey stars,
How is it going so far p? What do you think?

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