Testing upon Testing

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It took about two hours but i was finally at the final test for the school it was indeed a dragon. I wasnt to worried. I saw the dragon come into view. I was trying to figure out if it was elemental or just regular. It was just regular. I grabbed my sword tight there was no point useing a spell if i didnt need too. I felt my breathing getting heavier. I heard a teacher come on and say "Are you sure you still want to complete this?" I reply "Yes i am fine i just need to breath for a moment. You would too if you had been fighting spiders ghosts and now a dragon ever sense you got here. Besides i love a challange if this dragon should prove to be one." The teacher says "alright but if you need me call me." I nod. My breath was stead again. I thought do i want to stab it or perhapse some sort of posion what would be better then i asked myself is this a real dragon was any of the creatures i faced today real? I hope not other wise id feel guilty. I decided to do the fastest method which would be stabbing it quickly. Its not that i dont want to use magic its just that i want to it to be as painless as possible considering dragons are usally as nice a my beautiful peagas they must have really hurt this one or maybe its from before asgardians started working with them. Maybe i dont even have to kill maybe i could just do what my mom does maybe i could convince the dragon im a friend. If it doesnt work i could just always kill it anyways. Dragons are usally used for pulling flying carts on long rides or as protectors of things like houses or familes or a certian person. Kind of like your midagardian dogs and horses. I approach the dragon slowly. Then i realize something it was real and so was the spider but Thor and the ghosts were just projections you ask me how i can tell well. I could see through them some what if i tried to but here i cant. I drop my sword and the dragon watches me. I saw a big scar going across its side. It looked like someone hurt this dragon badly. I can understand excatly why it is so angry i would be too. I realized why my father passed the test. This was a test of heart not strength and at this time in his life he had as much heart as anyone could until Thor and Odin hurt him. But thats not my story to tell. I walk slowly up to the dragon and i can hear kids yelling in my head now screaming "Kill it! What are you doing?" I shake my head no and the teacher quites them i guess it became a quite interesting sight to see. As i get closer i spin and hold up my hands so show that i had no weapons on me. It calmed down a bit but was still guarded. I summoned a healing spell to see what i could do about that scar that looks really bad. Kids must have gone to kill it and failed. No wonder no one get this far no one realizes the switch at the end it was clever very clever. The dragon looked hesitant as i got closer. It cried out. My heart broke as i heard its scream. A tear rolled down my check. I started to talk to it via mind. I knew it wouldnt hurt the dragon they are very magical creatures. So i say "Hey its okay im here to help my names Rosemary whats yours?" It doesnt reply. I take a step closer so now im at the side of the dragon. I hold up my spell and cast it. It was the most power spell ive used today. I felt muscles and a bone repair. The dragon stopped being scared and angry to now curious. There was a lot more damage then i expected. It stopped bleeding and the bone was mended i was still working on the muscles when i felt myself grow slightly dizzy. But i had to keep going. I mentally reached out to the dragon again. It already knew what i was doing so it lent me some of its magically strenght. I was able to finish. I smiled at the dragon and it brought its head down to me. I smiled and i rubbed its head. It let me wrap my arm around it for support. I saw two people walk onto the field i was suprized to see who it was. It was my Father and Thor. The dragon wrapped its tail around me to protect me until my father said out loud "Hello old friend what happened to you?" The dragon used its tail to help me stay up as it brought its head over to my father. I smiled and he he smiled at me he looked so proud of me. Mitch ran onto the field and pratically tackled hugged me he said "That was amazing i never would have thought it was a test of heart." I laughed and gave him my father and I signature smile. I say " it couldnt have been that amazing it was just a healing spell." He shakes his head and says "no one had ever had that much power behind it. Teachers have tried sense but only managed a little bit to prevent the dragon from bleeding out you were amazing." I was trying to play it cool like my dad would but i felt my face go red. I mubble a few curses under my breath trying to make it go away. Thor laughed and i summond my sword to my side and i say "would you like to go?" He shakes his head and says "you are too tired." I stand there defiantly and say "Oh am i now." My dad places his hand on my shoulder as to say another day my princess another day. Mitch saw me calm down and put my sword up. I gave the dragon a hug before walking off the field with mitch on one side ready to catch me if i fall and my father on the other. I say to my dad "i never realized how big of a deal this was to people." He laughs and says "People dont usally win." I smile and i say "but you did." He nods and says "so did you." The rest of the day is spent resting.

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