Sanity scents

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After her Vagus show Aurora had a tight schedule on her hands during her work, when she isn't performing as a burlesque super star she was modeling for her own vintage lingerie line or starring in a movie the suited her. Aurora even started her own Youtube channel in vintage makeup looks and fashion from the late era that she loved alongside with her instagram that had grown to make her VERY famous with her having close to twenty million followers, Aurora didn't do just fashion and makeup on her YouTube but also telling and showing her skin care routine that she did every day and night. She also came up with a story in how she would have early morning organic fruit bathes twice a day, Aurora was careful with her words when doing her videos and answering questions that many ask her about her 'unique sweet fruit smell'. It warmed her heart that people where believing her fruit bath story and to her surprise many women that tagged her where telling there story and reviews on what they thought about the organic fruit baths, however because of buzz both Aroura's agent and manager suggested that she should start a bath/beauty line since many people that had met her in person immanently noticed her sweet fruit smell they even knew noticed right away. Aurora told them that she need a week to get her product together, she couldn't say she couldn't cause they would suspect something.  

"Just when I thought I was in the clear, I'm back to square one." Aurora said that to herself not long after she returned to her home and went straight to her room she lied face flat on her face and sighed with annoyance, in passing a little time she decided look at her comments on her Youtube Channel ' Gena Von Sweet' she replied to her loyal fans in like the positive posts. She did thought it was a little strange that she really wasn't see any negative comments or trolls, Aurora wasn't aware that someone was dealing with them for her.  Thanks to Vox's technology powers and him still having connections to earth he was able to deal with the trolls for her and making there lives miserable on the side, that part he enjoyed doing.He had Velvette to thank a little with him understanding social media a little more better without exposing himself and his little privet life wit the other V's, his obsession with Aurora went as far with having a secrete shrine room dedicated to both 'Julia Rose Lee' during her early years when she was starting out in her fame and ' Gena Von Sweet' the earliest was when she started her child beauty pageants and even her movie premiers that she started in along with her in her grandmother's famous red dress holding her first Oscar award.  What Vox didn't know was Alastor had a same secrete shrine room of both women, though Alastor had taken the photo's on an old camera that he favored and the photo's on 'Julia Rose Lee' where quite old that went far back when she first made a name as the Princess of New Orleans. What was different with Alastor with his earliest photo's of Aurora was on when she was just two years old sleeping in Alastor's arms as he was holding her in what was her old childhood bedroom and he had the same smile on his face looking at the camera, of course Aurora was too young to remember and Alastor took that to his advantage.

Thanks to Aurora's HIGH fame she was able to get her hands on expensive fruit and berries quite often, while she was thinking about what to do for her new bath collection she decided to make herself an expensive fruit salad in her kitchen. From crown Melon, strawberries from Nara strawberry lab that had the white strawberries and the sakura strawberries, Utu, my heart grapes from japan, dragon fruit and egg of the sun manga. Other thing she had on the side of her salad was fruit gems from japan that she fell in love with after the emperor of japan gifted it to her when she was there for burlesque show for the royal family, though eating by herself in own home was a little up setting to her. She was still wanting a husband but she couldn't even find the right type of guy that would ditch her on there third date, she did eat on her porch outside in the backyard and taking a few selfie pictures on her social media before she ate.

5 years later....

Not long after celebrating her 26th birthday in 2017 Aurora's celebrity life had sky rocketed, she had starred in twenty movies that had earned her academy awards. Special appearances on Broadway and her fame even opened her own vintage inspired Burlesque club in honoring of her grandmother, even Aurora's social media's was over the roof with her Instagram having close to a billion followers and her Youtube reaching over 80 million followers with her winning ten Youtube awards. Now Aurora's home had her awards in glass cases and even on the walls planked ,her organic bath line to her surprise was a massive success. Of course she had to do a little research in affordable products to use in the bath salts and bath oils, she even gave her friends jobs in making the bath products so she had forty employees in making the products. The main product was using her own sweat or even her own tears as the secrete ingredient and why the bath products work so well, her bath collections where an limited online business only since she didn't want to to a store front. Aurora had her own outdoor sauna that she had build so she could get the amount of sweat she needed, many of her friends and employees that she hired where amazed by the sweet fruit smell of the liquid they didn't know that was her her own sweat. However demons especially demon royals and overlords like Valentino and Velvette managed to get there hands on the bath oils and bath salts and where really hooked on the smells, though Alastor knew how she was making the bath oils and the same with Vox. Though Vox was more aroused because Valentino now smelled just like Aurora and 'Jula Rose Lee' so for the demon royals that managed to get there hands on the bath oils the females that where wearing the scents quickly noticed they the smell was giving off pheromones that made a lot of smells go a little sex crazy, Prince Vikal knew who was making the scents and wasn't that effected since he was VERY used to not just the smell but also the taste of the source thanks to Aurora's mother who he still had captive without any of the Goetia family knowing. With regular demons it worked just as well and even caught thee attention of the sin of lust asmodeus after he managed to get his hands on the oil and doing a little research on the stuff, where as Mammon had heard rumor about the effects of the bath oil and saw hedge profit from it and wanted to test it out himself. Beelzebub managed to get her hands on the bath oil herself and knew right away from the smell just how powerful the pheromone was and surprised that such a powerful lustful fruit smell was from the human realm and it got her curious in wanting to know the human that made the stuff.

    As for Aurora's dating after after her twenty second birthday she tried dating again and they ended up ditching her on the third date, even her foreign dates when she was traveling for her modeling shows ditched her on the third date. She still wasn't aware that someone else was the cause Aurora ended up dating twenty different guys within five years, it was worse when she tried online dating. Those guys she had about thirty soon planned dates but they canceled on her in not giving a reason why, those online boyfriends where dealt with by Vox who of course had them killed. Even half of the guys that where introduced to Aurora by her friends did the same thing like many dates, like before that same basket of chili peaches would show up a few days after Aurora got dumped. As for Vox he ended up setting his own dating profile on Earth after Aurora's last online break up that he had set up, he knew her user name and what to say to her in earning her trust. It warmed his dead heart that he was communicating with 'Gena Von Sweet' as everyone knew her as, many of the new sinners spoke about 'Gena Von Sweet' in updating what was new with her which made her popular in the pride ring.

With such HIGH fame came the paparazzi, journalist bothering her when she was off work or even during work whether it was performing in her burlesque club or even doing her lingerie   modeling from either her own line or even special guest modeling for Victoria Secretes runway. She even had extra security when she was starring in her first romance foreign movie ' Beauty and the Beast french version' Aurora knew how to speak in four different languages since she traveled to different countries constantly and it helped with her career, besides romance Aurora even starred in a few vampire movies while keeping her vintage inspired look and one of the movies was based in New Orleans because of a book series. It made Alastor happy that Aurora was doing a movie back in his home town, though he wasn't liking thee attention she was getting from the opposite sex and his eating out had increased within the years.

The demand of Aurora's talent was more than what she could do with and the same with the type of money she was making, she loved going to estate sales that had the right type of vintage look she loves and loved spending her movie on vintage inspired clothing and jewellery that caught her eye. The same with furniture that was worth her budget, even with her millions she only had vintage taste, it warmed her heart that a lot of women where started to go back to the vintage look for makeup along with bringing back the vintage style within a few years. Aurora had developed a strong fan base after her first movie even little kids where wanted to have the vintage hair style since they where too young to wear makeup and teenagers where not only wearing the vintage makeup and clothes but also eating quite healthy like with how they would see 'Gena Von Sweet's' posts and videos in different all natural fruit recipes and what to do with them, yes Aurora had to get creative and work her way around with only eating fruit can came up with he smoothing and frozen fruit recipes.   


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