Door to hell

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With wanting a little break she had asked for a little vacation time in which both her manager and agents agreed she needed to do along with taking a break from making the bathoils for a bit. She wanted to take a month off since she had been so busy with her burlesque performing, modeling and even acting. Aurora was also happy in hanging out with her friends again, after her recent break up Aurora didn't want to date anyone and thought she wasn't meant to have a romantic relationship like she dreamed off. But her friends where supportive of her and what's more had information that she needed to see...

" Aurora we've been a little concerned about how your dates been constantly dumping you, even the guys we've been setting you up with." Her oldest friend from middle school Jasmine said that to Aurora as she brought her to her room and to her computer as Jasmine sat on the desk chair

"I've wanted to talk to your ex's and seeing what happened..." As she was talking she pulled up a file on her computer and showed Aurora what was on her

"Your middle school and high school dates was what I wanted to start with first and look what I found." The screen showed that Aurora's dates showed that they where missing and that confused her

"Missing? What?"

"The only thing they had in common was mostly dating you, they always disappear after the third date." Jasmine said that she she continued on the file and it went back feather when she reached twenty and recently after turning thirty two

"This is close to a hundred people you've dated in the past twenty years. I think someone has been killing your dates?" What the two women didn't know was that Alastor's demon shadow had followed Aurora and witnessed everything it wasn't a surprise that the shadow wasn't pleased that Aurora's friend had noticed and how she was a problem and needed to get dealt with, the shadow had informed Alastor and he agreed with his shadow that Jasmine needed to disappear. 

When Aurora returned back to her estate she had a lot to think about now know what had happened with her dates she also wondered if it was the same person that ruined the reputation of the nobility that she had dated and accepted there marriage proposals only to have the family stripped of there titles and sent to prison, Aurora wanted to be left alone for a bit and she texted her friends saying that she needed a couples days by herself and they supported her.

Whenever she had a free day and wanted to not see people Aurora had lounge wear to wear in her home, she went with wearing Victoria Secretes red velvet sweat pants and matching hoodie. Aurora had just finished her fruit salad for lunch and sat on her loveseat couch in her living room, in wanting to think of something else Aurora looked at the new ring that she had gotten the estate sale.

"I wonder why type of stone this is." When she moved her fingers a certain way she saw the the ring started glowing that shocked her and pointing the ring away from her a beam had came out that created a portal

"Whoa....what the fuck?" Aurora shot out from where she was sitting and couldn't believe what she was seeing

"Am I hallucinating?" She questioned herself that she she approached the open portal and inspected it, unknown to her Vox's secrete spy cameras where witnessing what as happening and he was just as shocked as Aurora seeing it on his special monitors

"Where the fuck did she get an asmodean crystal?" Vox got more worried seeing that Aurora went threw the portal in which it closed up, that set in off in going to his main monitor room and going full max on the cameras and monitors in finding Aurora hoping that she was in the Pride Ring. He wasn't the only one Alastor had quickly went back to hell and frantically looked for Aurora using his demon minions in searching for her, Aurora herself freaked out the moment the portal closed and she came out of it. Then an awful smell caught her attention that made her cover her nose

"Ah man it fucking risk....Where am I?" She questioned that to herself seeing that she was in a type of ally near a couple off dumpers what scared Aurora seeing the the sky was red and seeing a red pentagram 

"Is this hell? Am I in hell?" Aurora freaked out more she needed to find something to disguise herself and fast and had no choice but to do a little dumpers diving to not only find something for her to wear but also helping to mask her smell, it grossed her out but she knew she had to do it. Aurora managed to find a dirty cloak in the dumpers and thanks to the stink it really masked her fruit smell. She also managed to find some paint and painting her face red after she put the cloak on and using a large large of a broken mirror in seeing her reflection, it was a good thing she had the white hair but she wasn't certain if she was safe because of her jade eyes. 

For the first hour and walking around and voiding being near any demon she walked past, she was scared out of her mind. She knew she couldn't talk to anyway in fear they might noticed that she's a human and wanted to eat her, just when she was about to tear up in fear she had noticed that she was standing near a glass screen that had a lot TV's inside it that the broadcasting different things.

"Hell has television?" Even painted red Vox recognized Aurora from his end of the monitors seeing her, he had quickly made his move in retrieving her as fast as he could. Aurora stayed at the spot for a good five minutes she was in in aw of seeing what hell had and didn't think they had tech, Aurorea heard tired stretching and ignored it until she screamed in shocked seeing how she was grabbed from behind and thrown into the limbo.

"Aurora calm down, your safe." Vox said that to her in a calm tone in not wanted to freak her out more as Aroura stood up freaked freaked out at first and she turned looking at the demon and was confused seeing that he had the flat screen tv head 

"Wait? How do you know me?" She questioned that while keeping her distance from him as he answered her question

"A lot of sinners know who you are that came here in the past fifteen years, like myself I knew your famous grandmother. I'm quite a fan myself of hers and yours." Aurora wasn't certain in what to do but she really had no choice but to trust the demon that introduced himself as Vox to her he told her that it was a smart move in masking her sweet fruit sent, he told her how popular her bathoil was in hell and how it worked as pheromones. Of course she scared Aurora hearing that, so she changed the subject in asking Vox how hell worked and he was more than happy in tell her. He was very happy that he was able to physically talk to her in person rather than using his media in communicating with her, the rid didn't last long after he finished answering some of Aurora's questions. Vox didn't want either Valentino or Velvette seeing Aurora so he had to sneak her into the penthouse, luckily Valentino was busy at the porn studio but Velvette had her department in the same building as the penthouse so he avoided being see by the demons that where employed by Velvette as he escorting Aurora in the building.            

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