Watching from the shadows

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Aurora was very close with her grandmother, she admired her and wanted to follow in her footsteps in being a world famous star. She even at a young age of five years old that she had to work hard, she had to beg her parents in participating in child beauty pageants for a short bit in building a reputation for herself and slowly make it into stardom. When she was old enough she wanted to be a burlesque super star just like her grandmother, at first her parents said no in order to protect her but Aurora was very determined in not giving up. After three months straight of asking her parents caved in and allowed her to do those pageants, with a little finance help from her grandmother in getting the right type of dresses made which where vintage inspired and made just for Aurora in recreating her dresses for her in standing out from the other girls with there dresses. 

During her first pageant in 1997 many of the parents including the judges that first say Aurora where a little shocking seeing her because of her STRONG resemblance to Julia Rose Lee but with long white hair instead of short brown, was Aurora nervous for her first pageant? Yes she was but she knew that she had to stay confident in order to follow her dream and making her grandmother proud...Not only did Aurora had her grandmother's beauty but also her talent and one she had on her own and that was singing, during the next four years up until 2001 at the age of 10 years old Aurora had won over a hundred beauty contests and many praised her for her charm and beauty, there where some challenges like keeping her distance from the other girls in making certain that don't notice too much of sweet fruit scent. Her parents even hired a bodyguard for her because she started making a name for herself in not just pageants but also in modeling as well, because of her unique eyes it got attention both good and bad.

She didn't tell her parents cause she didn't think it was harmful but whenever she would win a pageant there would be the same basket of chill peaches in her bedroom and a congratulations that was written with thee most perfect cursive she had ever seen in the basket with the fruit, it wouldn't be just chill peaches. Every two weeks a basket of different fruits would be gifted to her with the same hand writing, it wrote that the person wasn't a threat to her and wouldn't hurt her.

In 2002 Julia Rose Lee as the world knew her had died, in her wile her granddaughter was entitled to her estate. And all of her millions would be given to her on her 18th birthday thus making Aurora and heiress at the age of 11 years old, yes there was some kidnapping attempts but not even Aurora knew about them. Since Alastor had kept a close eye on her for a while he got rid of those people without even her parents of bodyguard noticing that even targeting Aurora, now that 'Julia Rose Lee' had died and word reached to hell in the pride ring you can bet both Alastor and Vox looked for her for a few months only to be disappointed that she didn't end up in hell. They they didn't know that they had there eyes on the same person that was still alive..though one year later in 2003 was when her life changed like with her great grandmother Aurora had lost her mother when a demon had abducted her mother and her father did his best in fighting off that demon only to lose, if Alastor hadn't stepped in using some of his demon minions in protecting Aurora she would have been taken as well. Aurora's father had to call the police and told them what had happened in leaving out the whole demon thing in saying how his wide was abducted and the damage to the inside of the house and to himself was enough proof, Aurora didn't have a scratch on her but she was still sad and terrified at what had happened she would never forget what that demon looked like.

The type of demon that had took Aurora's mother was the same demon that took her great Ars Goetia prince, Prince Vikal Goetia

He was one of King Paimon's eldest sons, he hadn't told any of the goetia family about his unique tastes

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He was one of King Paimon's eldest sons, he hadn't told any of the goetia family about his unique tastes. He had lucky when he found Scarlet's mother. Up until her death she was his very privet play thing, both for his amusement and sexual needs that not even his servants knew about. Despite her being his prisoner she was trapped in a very luxurious cage, he didn't knew she even had a daughter but til the late 90's about twenty years after she died. Yes Vikal was still addicted to the very RARE flesh and blood and hearing that he can get more and continued he acted, it was why he went back to the human world and repeated what he had done. He was quite happy seeing a young child that had the same sweet fruit smell and wanted to take her as well but he was stopped by summoned demons that protected Aurora and he assumed that she had sold her soul to a demon and didn't take her to hell with him, but he was grateful that he did see her in case something happened to his new toy. 

After Aurora had turned 13 in 2004 she had retired from beauty pageants after she had won 100 American pageants and 100 beauty titles, with her being the first American teenager to win a hundred pageants. Because of her up coming fame Aurora was sent to a privet school the celebrities sent there kids too in L.A. her father like the safety that he was giving his daughter and didn't want to lose her, despite it being a privet school with uniforms Aurora still honored the vintage look with her hair style and makeup. She still kept a good distance from people in order to protect herself, but at the same time she really wanted to date and promised herself that she would find someone just like her father in not caring about the fruit smell and protecting her. She was lucky that she can make real friends easy and already had a group that was similar to her in liking the vintage look.......

  Middle school was........difficult for Aurora when it came to finding romance her first boyfriend didn't go so well. He was a boy from another school that seemed nice, they went on two simple dates. But on the third date he didn't show up which meant to her that he dumped her and her friends comforted her, what really happened was that Alastor who had taken a soul deal with a different human after the previous one died in a car accident was the cause. He had abducted and killed that poor boy he even made that human he was controlling making a portal to hell and bringing that boys body for him to eat, though Alastor still caring for Aurora comforted her in his own way with the basket of chill peaches that she found in her school locker the next day. That process continued until Aurora entered High School at 15, she had dated a total of ten different guys and all ended up ditching her on the third date. During her sophomore year Aurora had gotten the led role in a movie 'Phantom of the opera' at the age of 16 in 2007 because her singing voice had only gotten better with time and practice but because of her white hair she had to wear a brown wig and colored her eyebrows the same shade of brown, Aurora still had her goal in being a burlesque super star but she couldn't until she was 18 years old and was alright with being a movie star for the time being even if it was opera. 

In hell Vox had heard about Aurora staring in her own opera movie that surprised him with a little work he was able to watch that movie and was very impressed and seeing Aurora's acting reminded him of Julia Rose Lee, but he was captivated by her singing the most. He wasn't the only one as much as Alastor detested television using his human host body he was able to watch Aurora's first movie when it came out in his support and devotion to her, Vox had more eyes on her because of his powers. The stalking with Vox got worse when within the first few months of her first movie had became very famous and earning in over 100 million which increased Aurora's fame with TV and radio interviews in that same year, Vox had witness all of the TV interviews by himself without either Valentino or Velvette. As for Alastor he was able to listen to the radio interviews that Aurora had did during that time and didn't miss a single one, with that fame came the stalker human fans. Ones that Alastor was more than happy in getting rid of, the same with Vox after he had gotten more power and a few human soul deals in getting stronger access to the living world.

With Aurora's fame many guys asked her out and she turned them down saying that she wouldn't date just anyone, however people did notice how  she would eat. In public she would only eat fruit and berries, she voiding everything else including soda and only drank either water or water with lemon. People noticed her sweet fruit scent and she told them that she like a special perfume and she couldn't pronounce the name of it, Aurora also had paparazzi in dealing with along with the gossip magazine in getting dirt on her privet life. Her father got annoyed by those people and even threaten them if they came near there home..

In 2008 a few months after Aurora had turned 17 years old she had lost her father during a bad rain storm and his car crashed with him dying upon impact. What had really happened was that Alastor had killed him by using his demon minions in tampering with his breaks before the storm got worse, with her father out of the way there wouldn't be any issues for him and out of his knowledge he helped Vox in getting rid of Aurora's father for him. As for Aurora she had to pay for her father's funeral and she didn't go to school or doing any of her modeling work for a month, many of her fans gave there best wishes to her and even sent her get better gifts like flowers. Her close friends kept her company when she asked for it....     

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