Radio vs. TV

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Upon Vox finishing his call and returning inside the penthouse he told Aurora that she needed to return to the human realm, he acted calm seeing that Aurora wasn't acting the way he wanted her from the drink and realized that she didn't drink the tea. He had really hoped his plan would work in sleeping with her but it failed and he would have to wait next time, he had given the asmodean crystal ring back to Aurora and he shown her how to use the crystal. Before Aurora left she hugged Vox bye in telling him thanks for helping her out, that hug caught Vox off guard because of her addicting fruit smell with her being so close to him he felt his senses reaching the limit. Luckily Aurora only hugged Vox for a few seconds before letting go and going threw the portal before it closed up, because of that close encounter it had gotten Vox in the mood for sex and forgetting Aurora's scent was now on his clothes.

Aurora had returned to the living world in time since she had a charity event she was attending that evening, of course she had a few missed called from both her manager and agent and made up a lie saying she accidentally and stupidly wanted to test how much alcohol she could handle. They believed it since they had never seen her drink alcohol before, the truth is that she can but it has to be natural and organic. Though in a very resent discovery thanks to someone gifted it to her on her twenty first birthday and still gets them on her birthday was very special nectar that tasted like thee finest alcohol, unknown to her it was a gift from Asmodeus. It was his way in showing his thanks to her in making him a little more powerful with his sin of lust, Alastor was aware and he didn't want to infer with one of the sins and allowed those gifts to be reached to Aurora. 

The theme for the charity was the 20's and 30's, Aurora had the right type of dresses thanks to her grandmother wardrobe. She had mingled with people and spoke with people that where her fans for a little bit, however she couldn't help but feeling like she was being watched and even she would turn around she didn't see anyone that stood out to her. Though it was when Aurora had stepped out for some fresh air was when Alastor had approached her, instead of his demon appearance he was in human disguise to when he was alive. Since the theme of the event was the 20's it fit his style so he wouldn't stand out.

"Lovely night isn't it?" Alastor startled Aurora since he came out of no where to her and upon looking at him she saw that he was looking up at the night sky directly at the full moon

"Oh, yay it is." Was what Aurora said to him acting polite with a calm smile, the moment she looked at Alastor she couldn't shake the feeling that she had seen him before and his voice was somehow familiar to her, to Alastor he couldn't be happier to be actually talking to Aurora she wasn't too young for her to not remember him and she wasn't drugged up by dentist either. He also didn't want to scare her off or making her uncomfortable around him, he had started a simple conversation with Aurora. He already knew her likes and dislikes and knew what to say to her, slowly Aurora warmed herself up to Alastor and she couldn't deny that he had the type of good looks that attracted her. Aurora sensed that there was something different about Alastor he was even bold enough in asking her out, he knew that she wanted to date again but was worried.

"Is something the matter my dear?"Alastor questioned that to Aurora seeing that she was worried after he asked her out

" might be a surprise but I haven't been so good with dating...I haven't really dating in a few years out of fear." Alastor then held Aurora's hand lovingly as he spoke to her

"Perhaps it might be different with me? You won't know unless you try?" After a little thinking Aurora accepted in going on a date with him in seeing what would happen, though she was still worried that he would end up like her other dates after thee event was over and she went home. It was during her drive back to her home that she couldn't help but remembering what her friend said about her dates going missing on the third date, she wondering if the same would happen to Alastor.

To Aurora's surprise on the first date caught her off guard, Alastor had taken her to a botanical garden which Aurora enjoyed. Though Alastor kept a safe distance since flowers died whenever he came in contact with them even in his human disguise, another reason why he choose the location was the lack of cameras. Now that he knew Vox was involved he didn't want to lose Aurora since he was first and didn't want to take Aurora by force, for the time being that is. 

The second date Alastor had taken Aurora to an opera which none of her other dates had done, Aurora was still well known when she performed her phantom of the opera movie back in the early 20's. She'll admit Alastor had more class than her other dates, none of then had taken her to an opera on a date. During the first two dates Alastor kept on impressing her like with the first real conversation he knew what to say to her, he also opened to her and told her about himself. Well more like his life when he was alive minus being a murder and cannibal, Aurora was happy hearing how he appropriate the 20's and 30's a lot similar to herself. 

The third date Aurora was nervous being of her past experience and hoped nothing happened to Alastor, Vox finally saw from the cameras during the third date when Alastor had taken Aurora ice skating with the whole building reserved for just the two of them. Alastor may have threaten thee owner and staff to get that without him paying for it, Aurora herself was nervous since it wasn't often that she ice skated where as Alastor knew how and was happy in teaching her. When Vox saw from the security camera from his end he knew that human Aurora was with was Alastor in a human disguise, he knew he couldn't do anything when Aurora was near him. Now was his angry? Fuck yes he was. He hated seeing Alastor with Aurora by her side instead of himself, he wasn't going to give up and he wasn't going to let Alastor win either.        

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