Kitchen Date

870 26 5

Alan locked the dog in its cage and cursed himself a thousand times in his mind for not knowing Jeff being scared of dogs.

Next Day Morning

Jeff Rushed down the stairs and caught sight of Alan preparing his beloved "Stir-Fried noodles". The aroma alone caused his mouth to water.

"Oh Nu... Good morning... Did you sleep well last night...? "Alan asked with hesitation because he knew how bad the day was for him, he just lost his brother & was encountered a scary incident too... How can he sleep...? Last night Alan couldn't sleep as well... He kept wandering outside Jeff's room the whole night. He wanted to go inside but was worried about making him uncomfortable.

"Good Morning Lung....Last Night...I...Slept....Well....Did You want my help with cooking...?" He asked, looking away from Alan's eyes

"Won't You be Late for college...? "

-No I still have time-

"Then...Help Me Wash the Dishes..."-Said Alan In a Flirty Tone. Actually, he didn't want Jeff to help him. He just wanted to be closer to him. He was hoping for a romantic kitchen date.

Jeff rolled up his sleeves. He picked up the plate. But he couldn't find the scrubber.

-Lung...Where is....- Before he finished his sentence, he sensed Alan's left arm in his waist reaching towards the scrubber lying in the sink, not touching his arm or waist, but extremely close. Their eyes locked, their heads moved unconsciously, and now their lips were just 1 second away from a kiss. Suddenly, they both felt the heat, as if the sun was too close to them. They started sweating.

Alan Moved More Closer, Closed His Eyes And Took a Deep Breath...

"Your scent is driving me crazy !" Alan exclaimed immediately.

Jeff's entire face flushed upon hearing this. He shifted his body slightly to meet Alan's gaze, Feeling his entire body heat up to the point of dizziness. Alan is staring at him intensely. Jeff couldn't contain himself any longer, feeling powerless in Alan's presence. Strangely, he struggled to breathe, sensing a lack of oxygen in the room. His vision blurred gradually, and his eyes shut involuntarily. He lacked the strength to open them again, slowly falling backward. As he began to lose consciousness, he felt a strong grip around his waist which was lighter before and heard a voice repeatedly calling his name, each time the voice sounded more powerful, yet he couldn't respond.

-I want to see his Face Again-


Hi Readers

This Is my first time writing something...Thus if you have any ideas dont forget to share..

Also I like to thank @anaelorga @shreee5 and @Li___ly___10 for being my first three votes...Thanku...

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