Marked by Him

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Alan rested his head on the floor, gazing at his omega sleeping soundly in his hands. He couldn't believe he had finally found the love of his life and hadn't expected to share such a spicy moment with him soon. However, he couldn't help, the boy was incredibly adorable and had challenged him throughout the day.

Using his other hand, Alan gently wiped the sweat off Jeff's forehead and face. He then blew softly on his face, causing Jeff's hair to be misplaced &  his closed eyes moved. Alan continued to blow on his face, which made Jeff smile slightly in his sleep, resembling that of a newborn child.

"Jeff, why are you so cute?" Alan whispered, unable to take his eyes off him. He leaned in and gently kissed Jeff's lips, before reaching for some scattered papers on the floor. Then he Folded them & used them as a hand fan to avoid disturbing Jeff's sleep.

The next day

 Alan opened his eyes and found himself being embraced by another naked body, seeking warmth from the cold. He felt a sense of peace and completeness that he had never experienced in his life before.

Carefully laying Jeff back on the floor, Alan realized that his hand had gone numb. Leaning closer, he placed a tender kiss on Jeff's forehead and greeted him "Good morning nu."

 It was then that he noticed  Jeff's swollen lips and the hickeys on his body and neck.

"Was I too hard on him yesterday..?" Alan was worried.

On a closer look, he noticed Jeff's neck was fully red, definitely because of the way he strangled his neck last day during the fight...

"Oii Alan...what did you do to your kid...? "he was disappointed himself

"I will never hurt you, and I won't allow anyone else to harm you either. I promise, Nu." After planting one more kiss on Jeff's forehead, Alan got up to get dressed.


Jeff woke up from his sleep as he smelled noodles. He winced in pain as he attempted to sit up, finding himself wrapped in a bedsheet with a pillow beneath him.

"Are you awake..Nu..?" Alan's voice called out to him

Jeff followed the voice to notice Alan re-arranging the files that were dropped yesterday & in a little far view, noodles were getting cooked up On an electric stove.

Alan approached Jeff, placing a hand on him to check his temperature

"Are you are you feeling now...?"

-Lung....I want my clothes...-Jeff requested averting his gaze from Alan's eyes

"Your clothes will be ready by the time you finish your shower, don't worry, okay..?"

Jeff got up with Alan helping him & headed to the shower, Upon returning in fresh clothes he found that Alan had already arranged all the necessities they needed for the next two days, including the bed.

"Nu...come here..." Alan called Jeff who was standing by the door. Jeff eagerly approached Alan thinking it was time for breakfast.

"Come on...take off your shirt..." Alan said

-Lunggggg.....-Jeff's eyes widened

"Hey...No...what are you thinking kid...? Your neck is red from yesterday's fight let me apply the ointment"

Jeff, embarrassed by his misunderstanding, took off his shirt. Alan delicately applied the medicine with his fingertips, blowing on it gently. Jeff couldn't help but remember how Alan had touched him the day before, longing for that sensation again. Their eyes met as Alan finished treating his neck, holding each other's gaze for a moment before Alan diverted the attention.

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