We Are

666 35 17

Next Day Morning at Foundation

Sunlight streamed through the windows, illuminating the two figures lying in bed which joined together the day before. Jeff's eyes fluttered open, his vision still hazy as he noticed Alan beside him. Without hesitation, he leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on Alan's lips, both of them still nestled in the comfort of the bed.

"Are you stealing a kiss from me.....?"Alan playfully remarked, his eyes still closed.

Caught off guard by the unexpected question, Jeff replied

".....why are you acting like ...you were sleeping Lung..."

Alan chuckled and replied, "Well if I don't act like I'm asleep, will I still get that kiss? Huh?"

-Lung.....-Jeff exclaimed Blushing slightly

"If I can have this morning kiss every day Na, it's enough to give me the energy to start a beautiful day," Alan remarked with a wide smile.

As Alan mentioned the word "Everyday", the harsh reality suddenly hit Jeff. His smile faded, Being with Alan for some time he forgot that he was still in the mansion he despised the most.

"Jeff......Don't worry Na...All of us will go home together safe & sound, today itself....." Alan knew what bothered Jeff

-Can we lay down some more time lung......?-

"Why not...? Come here Nu...." Alan pulled Jeff closer and embraced him. Jeff rested his head on Alan's chest, feeling his heartbeat helped Jeff to calm his mind from all his doubts. He wasn't sure if he would have the chance to be this close to Alan again.

"I love you so much lung...I can't... live... without you"Jeff said as he hugged Alan tightly, wishing to stay like this forever.

"Do you think I can?" Alan asked, lifting himself slightly to look into Jeff's eyes, knowing Jeff rarely expressed his feelings like this.

"Not even for a second Nu," Alan assured before they shared a deep kiss, savoring each other like it was their first time, and then they continued to embrace each other.

AT 10 AM

Kenta, along with two other bodyguards, entered Jeff's room.

"Here... I have brought the dress for the auction. Be Neat," Kenta said, observing a fatigued Jeff with disheveled hair, still wearing the same attire from the previous day.

"Krub...." Jeff replied

"Wait outside and close the door," Kenta instructed the other bodyguards.

Once the door was shut, Kenta circled around Jeff doubtfully.

"Khun Alan......You can come out now......"Kenta stated loudly.

Jeff's eyes widened in shock upon the unexpected mention of his boyfriend's name.

Suddenly The bathroom door swung open, Alan rushed towards Kenta and delivered a forceful smack across his cheek. Even Jeff was taken aback by his boyfriend's sudden and unexpected reaction. Despite witnessing Alan strike Dean in the past, Jeff never anticipated him lashing out at Kenta without any provocation. Alan was not typically prone to anger, especially in such a manner. Jeff found himself pondering the possible reason behind Alan's outburst.

"How dare you kidnap my kid..? That too From My house.....? Did you think I wouldn't dare do anything  &  sit back like others...? Huh....?"Alan angrily interrogated, shaking Kenta by the collar of his shirt.

"Khun Alan...Calm Down krub...It was PA's Order..." Kenta calmly responded, accustomed to being slapped in the face.

"P...How did you find out ...." Jeff asked, placing his hands on Alan's hands, which caused Alan to calm down and release his tightly clenched arms from Kenta's shirt. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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