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"Lung, what about the secret camera you told me about?" Babe asked.

"Ah, there was a temporary loss of data due to a software glitch. I just called them, and they said they would send me the video today. Let me check... Ha..Look...Here it is" Alan said scrolling through his phone

Babe and Alan analyzed the video carefully

"Again? Why does this always happen, P...? Even if they are caught on camera, we still can't see who it is and can't use it as evidence. Why do they always get away?" Babe's frustration was starting to boil over.

"Babe, calm down first," Alan said

I have a plan Lung

Tell me Babe

Let's reveal to them we have the video evidence, Especially about Kenta and make them believe that we suspect someone from outside. They will definitely come back to destroy the evidence...I am sure he will assign this job to the same person in the garage again...


"I know, Lung. It's difficult to accept the fact that we have a mole here again. We were like a family, but if we wait for even one more second, what happened to Charlie will happen again. I want my revenge"

"Don't worry, babe. We will put an end to this together."


"I am sorry lung"

As he spoke those words, he picked up the tools and turned around to throw them at P Alan. However, Alan grabbed his left arm firmly, causing him to drop the tools himself.

"I know you're an insider," Alan said confidently.

Jeff pushed Alan with his right hand. Alan slipped back a couple of feet but still had a strong grip on Jeff's left arm, He pulled Jeff towards himself and tied his hands in front of him, causing Jeff to fall on his chest.

Alan has Jeff's hands locked with his right hand and is using his left hand to surround Jeff's neck. Jeff tries to break free, but Alan's strength is too much for him. He is indeed a skilled boxer.

"Did you think that you could get away from me..Huh..?" Alan asked

When Alan attempted to remove his cap, Jeff crushed his foot, which offended Alan. So he violently took off his mask and cap, then tightened his grip, strangling Jeff's neck and making it difficult for him to breathe. Despite this, the darkness in the room prevents Alan from seeing Jeff's face. To not let the person escape, Alan planned on making him collapse first.

Jeff fought against Alan's grip around his neck. He gave a hard smack on the arm that was strangling him to signal a tap out. Suddenly, Alan observed a green light coming from his safe. In a closer look...The term "SUCCESSFUL" filled his eyes...making him realize that the locker must be unlocked with the password and not forced open. He changed the password the same morning when no one else was in his room, so unquestionably nobody knew about it. He also sensed a powerful, sweet familiar aroma of omega, which caused him to completely release his grip.

"Jeff...Is that you?" Alan asked, letting go of the person he was holding onto.

"Yes," Jeff replied tiredly, falling to the ground.

Alan switched on the lights and rushed towards Jeff, asking,

"Are you okay, Jeff? I'm so sorry..."

Jeff was unable to respond.

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