The Real First-Time

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"Lung, I love you." Jeff finally said it.

There was light coming in through the storage room window, so the room wasn't entirely black. Alan could see the adorable, innocent face even in that small shine.

Alan gently kissed Jeff's lips upon hearing this, causing Jeff's face to fill with disappointment as he desired more. Jeff then wrapped his hands behind Alan's neck and initiated a deep kiss. Alan savored the moment as their tongues explored each other. Jeff could sense the warmth inside Alan's mouth, sending shivers down his spine. The room was filled with the sound of their kisses and heavy breathing. Jeff pulled Alan down to the table, embracing his body and resuming their passionate kissing. Alan's hands glided through Jeff's hoodie, unzipping it and removing the hood. Overwhelmed by Jeff's bare upper body, Alan lost his control, he jumped out from the table pulling Jeff to his lap. He proceeded to lick Jeff's nipples and neck, leaving red marks across his skin. Jeff grinded his body against Alan which made Alan's member arouse after a long time.

"Lung...Please, do it...don't it now...I have lost my patience," Jeff exclaimed urgently.

"Hey...No...Isn't this your first time? You will get hurt if we do it without preparation," Alan expressed his concern.

"It's heat is taking over pains all over...please relieve me...just be gentle, that's all I need...please," Jeff pleaded.

"Okay, fine," Alan agreed understanding the situation. He stood up from the table and walked away from Jeff.

"Where are you going?" Jeff asked, grabbing Alan's hands quickly.

"Wait for a second...I will go get condoms," Alan replied.

"Now? From where? Don't go," Jeff begged.

"Nu...I am not going far...There might probably be a bundle of them in Babe's locker...I will be back in a second," Alan assured.

After 2 minutes, Alan came back with condoms filled in his hands, up to 10 of them, and locked the door. Jeff got up and ran towards Alan, hugging him tightly, which made Alan drop all of the packets on the floor. He managed to save one from falling, keeping it in his pocket. He pulled back from the hug and started kissing Jeff fiercely, touching all over his shirtless body. Their sounds echoed throughout the room, and even their lips started to ache. Alan lightly bit Jeff's lower lip.

"Ah...."Jeff Pulled back for a moment

 "Nu..Sorry, did that hurt you?" he asked by gently swiping Jeff's lips.

"No, I'm not that weak. I was just startled. Please continue," Jeff replied.

Alan smirked. "Oh, Ai Nu.."

They continued kissing passionately, moving backward until they were stopped by a shelf filled with papers and files. They paused for a moment, staring into each other's eyes.

"How do you feel now?" Alan asked, sounding confused.

"I feel better than before, but still in pain," Jeff answered.

"Shall we move forward then?" Alan suggested.

Jeff sounded disappointed as he replied, "Ah, I agreed a long time ago, Lung"

"I just want to make sure again. I don't want you to regret this," Alan said.

Jeff slid his hands through Alan's arm, and Alan's eyes followed the touch. Jeff then pulled out that condom from Alan's pocket.

"I will never regret it," Jeff said, handing the condom to Alan.

Alan smiled at Jeff, unable to believe his eyes. Every touch from his omega excited him, and the words Jeff had spoken today surprised him more and more as they went by. He never expected to see this side of Jeff.

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