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"Jeff...Jeff...Oh my God...What happened?" He carefully lifted Jeff and carried him to his room, supporting his legs with his right arm and holding his upper body with his left. Alan noticed that Jeff's head had fallen back, so he gently shifted it towards his shoulders. Now He can hear his breathing.

When he reached near his bed he carefully put down Jeff in a way that even the sheet didn't move a bit...

Immediately He placed his right palm on Jeff's head to check his temperature...

"shia...." Alan exclaimed. It was hot like fire...

Alan quickly fetched a clean and damp towel and rushed back to Jeff's side. Without wasting any time, he lifted Jeff's body and began to remove his clothes. Suddenly, Jeff let out a groan of pain, and Alan's attention was drawn to the blood stain on his shirt. As he examined further in panic, he discovered a white handkerchief tied to Jeff's elbow drenched in blood. Probably he got hurt from falling yesterday...

"Ahhh...How can I remove this...? It must be too painful" With all his courage....He removed the kerchief

"The wound is deep...No wonder he's infected without proper care...I can't bear to see this..." Alan sobbed

He gently wiped away the blood stains and began applying medicine to his wound by blowing on it.

"Nu... It will hurt a little, na..." Alan said anxiously.

Jeff kept mumbling, making Alan worried...He stared at Jeff like his stare has some superpower to wake someone from sleep. After two hours of gazing at him...Jeff woke Up...

"Are you okay Nu...?" Alan jumped slightly towards Jeff, putting his hands on Jeff's shoulders to help him sit up straight.

"I feel better now," Jeff said in a hoarse voice.

"Here take your medicines..."

-Thank you for taking care of me Lung-

"Did you really feel better Now...? Or should we go to hospital...?"

-I am completely fine- jeff assured

"Okay... Now tell me, why didn't you let me know that you got hurt..? Why  you never ask for my help? I know it hasn't been too long since we got to know each other, but you're aware of my feelings for you, right?  Even if it hurts like hell..I can still keep my feelings aside for you if I'm making you uncomfortable. Instead You should promise me that from now on, you will tell me everything. You don't know how worried I am about you, Jeff"  Alan was upset.

"Lung....I am sorry...I....You don't have to put your feelings aside...Actually...I too....I'm not used to having anyone around who cares for me like you do" Jeff said

"Okay... I understand...But Promise Me from now on you will tell me everything...Every single thing about you..." Alan changed his tone because it was the first time Jeff talked about how he felt.

"I promise," Jeff said reassuringly with his eyes closed.

Alan stood up to put away the medicine but felt his t-shirt stretch. When he turned back, the kid was holding it without making eye contact.

"What is it, Jeff?" Alan sat down again, this time closer than before.

"Lung....I am scared of Dogs Because when I was adopted at Pa Tony's house...At that time... I was very naughty and didn't obey anyone so he locked me in the dog's cage outside at night with his Rottweiler...That was ...soo...scary that...I am..." A drop of tears fell down Jeff's eyes when he said this

Alan pulled Jeff's head towards his chest.

"Hey... No...No...Don't Cry Na...It's okay...Now you are here with me...No one will Hurt you from Now on...No one...If you get sad...I will get sad too..."  

It was the first time Alan had seen Jeff cry, which made him feel even more hurt.

"Also I have one important matter to tell you.." Jeff lifted his face and said

"Hey...I only told you to tell me everything from now don't have to force yourself to tell me everything today...we have plenty of time... you can take your time..." Alan Said calmly,He didn't want Jeff to bring back those hurtful memories again.

"Then can I tell you something else....I....I am an omega" Jeff spoke shyly, burying his face in Alan's chest after saying those words.

"Well..that one I know.." Alan said proudly

-How..?-Jeff's eyes widened

"Even though I don't have any special powers...I am still An alpha...I can find my omega...Even if we never met in the garage...I can still find you Nu..."

Jeff pulled Alan aside to get a better look at his face

"You are the only one for me in this whole world Nu"


Thank You @Butterfly_ie  and @SaimaIrfan7 for Being my first two comments


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