Still, Why...?

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Alan's Pov

Alan saw Way and Babe talking by the pool. Without wasting a second, he rushed towards them.

"Babe...Way... I can't wait until tomorrow. Please find a way for me to get into that house."

"P' Alan, the security is tight there due to the exhibition. Only those with invitations can enter. The media will only be there tomorrow, so any action today would be wasted." Way Reminded

Alan collapsed to the ground upon hearing this. Tears streamed down his face, not out of weakness, but out of anger towards himself. Feeling helpless and useless in this situation, he thought ending his life was better than wasting any more time.

"I...I don't care about that! You know...? He is still in his heat period...Last time he said...he said...during his heat they tried to mate him with someone...who knows what they do this time...and what if they tie him up...hurt him...? Will they even give him something to eat...? I can't...I can't sit here and do" Alan Begged on his knees.

Through all these years, They never saw Alan cry over something. Instead, he was the one who provided comfort during their moments of weakness. For Babe, he was the driving force behind his success and who he has become today. As for Way, Alan was the only brother who truly understood him inside and out, even discovering his feelings for Babe. Witnessing Alan in distress, they both rushed to his side to offer comfort. This was the first time Alan asked to do something for him.

-We will find a way P- they said in unison, Even that was not enough to repay all the love and hard work Alan had shown them over the years.

Babe, Pete  & Alan  in a car outside the foundation. 

"Khun Alan, since we had a fight with them yesterday, they might suspect our intentions. So We won't be able to enter with you. However, I have a connection with a guest attending the auction tomorrow who is going to get inside today. You can accompany him as his bodyguard," Pete suggested.

"What if they recognize him...?" Babe expressed his concern

"Don't worry about that. This guest is a billionaire and Tony's top customer. He is richer than anyone attending tomorrow's event, so there won't be any strict checking as part of special treatment. He even mentioned that he would be doing a small event to impress Tony during the welcome ceremony. So there is a dress code, Khun Alan can wear a mask & blend in."

 "So, why does this guest want to help us?" Babe asked

"As I mentioned, he is a billionaire, who dislikes PA's growth and wants to defeat him. It's common in business." Pete Explained

Babe sighed, "I don't understand these people. Even their love seems fake."

Meanwhile, Alan silently listened to their conversation without responding.

Pete interrupted Alan's thoughts, "Khun Alan, there he is. Go and get inside his car and change your dress."

 "Why are there so many cars? Which one should Alan get into?" Babe asked

"Of course to show off. The last car in the lane, Khun Alan." Pete shouted

-Lung...Be Careful...- Babe said as he embraced Alan.

"I will be alright," Alan replied, feeling a strong desire to reunite with his Boy.

Alan proceeded towards the last vehicle in the line, and upon opening the door, four men appeared. Judging by their physique, he deduced that they were his bodyguards. Their appearance was peculiar, however, their attire was colorful unlike that of others. It was evident from their expressions that they were uncomfortable wearing such clothes.

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