The Energy Explained

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CONTENT WARNING: The following excerpt contains descriptions of violence. If this is something that could potentially upset you, please skip everything in italics below. There is a line to separate it from the rest of the chapter. 

Please bear with me as you read Anakin's dialogue in this. I am doing my best to make his character in this match his character in the movies - sometimes selfish, aggressive, and volatile, and sometimes friendly, understanding, and a good mentor. Thank you. :)


The sky was tinged a sickly yellow, smog concealing everything in (Y/N)'s path. Her feet crunched against the smoldering ash like freshly fallen snow, leaving a trail of uneven footsteps as she took staggering steps forward. An acrid wind whipped tendrils of hair across her face, causing her to raise raw and bruised fingertips to shield her eyes.

She stood at the base of a monstrous rubble hill, staring up at a foreboding figure resting atop it. Though she couldn't make out any features, it appeared to be a man, arms spread wide in worship of the area. Surrounding them was the Kingdom of Coruscant, perfectly intact, but desolate, and leeched of color. Hiking the hem of her gown up to her knees and using her free hand for balance, (Y/N) climbed compulsively up the hill, unable to stop herself. The closer she got to the top, the more the unintelligible figure loomed over her, frozen in place.

Her body ached as she pulled herself up, fingernails worn to the quick from the shards of metal and stone. Her eyes were fixed on the hill in front of her, blurring everything in her periphery, leaving her vulnerable to the grisly truth that awaited her. With a heave of effort, she brought her torso up closer to the peak, catching herself with a forearm on the topmost slab of stone. As her gaze slowly rose, she found it met with stained wood, jammed irreverently between the rocks.

Her eyes trailed upwards as she took in what was not a man at all, but rather the adolescent Tusken boy, hung sloppily from a wooden cross. The Empress let out a strangled cry, hand flying to her mouth. Her eyes wanted desperately to shed tears at the crucifixion before her; out of grief for the child, and for relief from the bitter air. Yet they remained dry, hollow, and dim.

A crimson and gold flag rustled in the breeze, its tips curling gently around the lateral bone of the cross. The Empire's once shimmering insignia had been painted in smoke, dulling it to the point of discoloration. As the wind ceased, the flag fell to a rest, revealing beyond it a gruesome sight.

Row after row of bodies stood, planted in the soil on the other side of the hill. What once had been familiar streets now served as a mass graveyard, causing the Empress to catch a broken breath. 

"I-... I never wanted this-," (Y/N) choked out, pulling herself to her feet and stumbling towards the boy. "I'll get you down. I'll get you down from there."

A thunderous sound echoed in the distance, growing louder by the second as her bare hands worked at the thick ropes. Red burns and callouses developed on her skin as she tugged, swallowing back sobs.

"I never wanted this." 


The dining hall in Coruscant was silent, save for the clinking of utensils. The Empress sat at the head of the table, neatly cutting slivers of Bantha roast while her staff looked on. When she noticed their stares, she gestured to the food, prompting them to eat. This occurred in cycles, with each one ending the same way - the staff watching as the Empress ate alone.

Finally, (Y/N) set down her fork, neatly folding her hands in her lap.

"Do you all have something to say?" She asked calmly.

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