The New Invention

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A/N: Ani's new invention coming in hot! Thank you all so much for the comments you've been leaving recently. Reading them cracks me up and also makes my entire day. Life has been stressful lately, and I can't tell you how much it helps to see the funny and kind things you all write. I hope you enjoy the chapter - this one's for you.

"How much longer do we have to do this?" Ahsoka complained under her breath, shooting a glance at Cal as she handed out flyers.

"Until we run out," Cal replied, eyeing her in his periphery as he pasted one to a wall. "It's important that the citizens are aware of the festival, so that they may approach the Empress tomorrow afternoon regarding the market."

The two youngsters circled the city, having been tasked with the duty of informing the people of (Y/N)'s grand plan. Chaperoned by Fives, they had set about before the suns had fully risen, encouraged by the cool of the morning.

In true Empress fashion, the (Y/N) had spent the prior evening and the break of dawn brainstorming ideas for the festival. Despite her rising achingly early, Anakin must have been unable to sleep, as he was gone when she awoke. In his place, a cheque was left on her dresser, made out to her so that she might withdraw money from his personal treasury.

"My idea is as follows," she had said over breakfast, drawing together a team of anyone who believed in her idea. "I want this festival to belong to the citizens - it is about them, and encouraging their growth and prosperity. Thus, I would love for them to be as involved as possible. I've decided to hold a Grand Market as part of the event, where they may set up stalls to peddle their goods. Seeing as I'll be extending formal invitations to each of the other sectors to bring trade, the marketplace will be vast, and the products will be many. Because of this, I'd like for the citizens who wish to participate to see me and propose their ideas, so that we may create a comprehensive list and ensure there is little overlap."

Her audience consisted of Padme, Qui-Gon, a slightly hesitant Obi-Wan, Fives, the soldiers who accompanied her to Kamino, Yoda, Shaak Ti, Cal, and a begrudging Ahsoka.

"We must get this accomplished as swiftly as possible, to nurture the economy of Ra," (Y/N) said, pacing now around the floor. "However, I would love for it to be a fantastical event, so the details are quite important."

"My lady, if I may," Qui-Gon piped up, raising a hand. "Why are you concerned about how fanciful it is? Wouldn't simply inviting the trade achieve the largest goal?"

At this, (Y/N) turned, the hem of her gown brushing the floor.

"Absolutely not!" She responded, brow furrowed. "While it's true that the influx of business is an important objective, what is arguably just as crucial is the energy with which we replenish the hearts of the people."

Softening, she moved towards the table, heels clicking against the marble.

"Since I've moved to the capital city, I've had quite the journey as Empress. I've gotten married to a man I'd never met, traveled across the land in a steam engine invented by my new husband, made many friends, and fought more than I've ever had to before," she said, a laugh bubbling in her throat as she recalled the adventures she had experienced with those at the table.

"But truthfully, the reason that I've experienced so many firsts is because I've been fortunate enough to live a very sheltered life," she conceded, picking up a spoon and turning it in her hand to gaze at her reflection. "I've always had access to things that brought me comfort in times of stress, relief in times of pain; and I had wonderful people, like you all, who helped me through each conflict to arrive at where I am today."

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