The Battle of Kamino

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A/N: 3K!!!! You guys are amazing! Thank you so much for reading, and welcome to all new readers! Apologies for the delay in posting. I just finished the semester and school + work were killing me. This one goes out to @allisongenjackson , who has been so kindly supporting this story and asking about the new chapter! <3

A week after Anakin's departure passed by in peaceful resignation, culminating in (Y/N)'s return to the Fortress of Ra. Though still exhausted, she had a renewed sense of hope in her potential future with the Empire, and decided to work even more diligently to bring it to fruition.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized she still knew very little about the people over which she ruled. Most of what she was aware of centered around the fact that the Empire's citizens lived in a state of great unrest. Though she knew Anakin's advisors would each work on their respective territories, she felt largely concerned for the people in Ra, who were under the jurisdiction of her husband himself. Anakin had done little to make the lives of the people in the capital comfortable - his constant occupation of foreign lands meant that the city was severely neglected.

For example, (Y/N) had quickly picked up on the fact that luxuries, such as the candies Anakin had been so keen to steal, were not available anywhere nearby, unless the Emperor made a special request. Of course, he hadn't, up until that point - Anakin didn't believe in frivolities. She rarely saw him eat more than a pear for breakfast, and for his other meals, he would always simply go straight for the meat. She was determined to make them something anyone in the Empire could enjoy - not just the citizens of Coruscant.

Though a piece of candy seemed so small, the Empress knew what it represented; having the resources to enjoy aspects of life, rather than just weathering it.

She stood now in her office, drawing up plans for a refurbishment of the city, as well as a broader distribution of resources. Though she and Anakin had only just barely begun getting along, she wanted to design an idea that he would be willing to stand behind. After all, it was his money she was planning on giving away. 

(Y/N) raffled through the various items on her desk, eyes searching scrolls for works she had not yet completed. The room fell into a comfortable silence, tainted only by the gentle swish of dresses on floors and scrolls in hands. These occasional whispers of movement were accented by the gentle patter of rain on the windowsill, soothing and soft.

A sharp rap on the door suddenly drew her attention.

"Yes?" She called, looking at the door warily as it flew open.

"My lady!" An out-of-breath knight gasped, placing a hand on his knee for support. Rainwater rolled off of his armor, staining the carpet under his feet.

(Y/N) stood abruptly, immediately sensing the urgency in his disposition.

"What has you out of breath, soldier?" She said tensely.

"There's a boy at the gate - a ginger boy - looking for you. He says that you'll know him, and that it's an emergency."

A ginger boy - could it be? (Y/N) thought, her feet already carrying her rapidly towards the door. What could make Cal show up here, when his basic training hasn't been completed?

After a series of twists, turns, and staircases, the Empress arrived at the open doors of the Fortress, where guards awaited with weapons drawn. 

"My lady!" A distressed voice carried past them, green eyes perking up as she came into view.

Cal stood on the stonework of the entryway, his sopping wet hair plastered to his forehead. Raindrops from the brewing storm were scattered across his cheeks, magnifying his freckles and making him look even more boyish than he already did. 

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