The Twin Sun Festival Part II

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The Twin Suns were at their most brilliant at sunset, which is exactly why (Y/N) had chosen for the festival to kick off at that time. Despite the perpetual pollution in the sky, it was a warm, citrus marmalade, the kind of color that made one want to drink it with their eyes. 

It was hazy, and Anakin wished he had been better about controlling the pollution before. How beautiful it might have been for (Y/N) to actually be able to see the fiery streaks of gold over her festival tonight. 

From the moment their party descended from the palace, the melodious sound of instruments and the drunken sound of laughter bubbled against their ears. Anakin and (Y/N) arrived just at the end of the opening ceremony, alongside Obi-Wan, Padme, Qui-Gon, Cal, and Ahsoka. It was perfect timing - they would take the stage long enough to introduce themselves and announce the festival, and then they would disperse to mingle in the crowd. Appropriate security had been assigned to each of them, so that they might interact safely with the hosts of strangers pouring through the gates. 

"Ready?" (Y/N) asked, looking at her husband with a glint of amusement in her eye. 

"You're doing all of the talking," Anakin replied in a bored tone, although his heart quickened as she took his arm to approach the crowd. 

As the two reached the front, a gradual hush fell over the people before them. The Emperor had assumed that everyone would immediately look to him, as it was rare that he made an appearance outside of the Fortress. And perhaps they did for a short moment, but to his surprise, everyone whose eyes he could see was staring directly at the Empress. 

Then again, it wasn't so shocking, after all - few had the opportunity to see the rumored new bride. She was certainly a sight to see, decorated and standing with perfect posture. His eyes roamed slowly up her body, from the bodice hugging her hips to the gold flecks dusted across her collar bone. His eyes lingered on her lips, which had been painted with an oil to glow in the light. Her countenance was stunning, and she offered up a genuine smile that dazzled in the approaching dusk. She was enchanting; if he were a villager, he would have stared at her, too. 

(Y/N)'s speech was wonderfully heartfelt, and she closed by raising her hand, clasped in his, and announcing the beginning of the festival. She was met by loud cheers from the people, and the instant re-uptake of lively music. Much to Anakin's chagrin, his wife then released her grip, moving away from him and towards Ahsoka. He watched as she kindly reached for the Togruta girl's hands, who held them out hesitantly and angled her head away. 

For Ahsoka, everything in the festival was entirely, overwhelmingly new. 

At once, it was as if an invisible spirit grasped the capital city, swirling through the streets in the form of brilliant colors, glowing hues that she had never seen. Vibrant vermillion painted onto glimmering lanterns that criss-crossed above, along with shades of emerald and aquamarine that cast their tinted reflection into the eyes of the people on the streets. Under the lights, everything looked shinier, inviting. Tantalizing

Hours must have passed as the two circled the festival, taking in the various decorations, art, and merchandise. 

Across the court, the familiar face of Yoda sat quietly on a table, surrounded by snapdragons and Venus fly traps that had sprung to life. As bubbles floated precariously in the air, the plants snapped at them with reckless abandon, nearly taking the fingers of anyone who dared get close enough. Various vials of mysterious liquid simmered in their racks, inviting those brave enough to give it a try. Tendrils of vapor curled off of them like growing vines, bewitching passersby. 

The Empress coaxed Ahsoka to a nearby vendor, where figs dripping in crystalline honey captured the sparks of a torch nearby. Next to them was a man from Coruscant, who was rolling freshly baked dough in warm sugar and cinnamon, drizzling it after with a condensed milk and cream. In the stall following that, long kebabs of freshly cut fruits were skewered in a mouthwatering rainbow. Dribbles of tangy juice splashed across the table as the vendor sliced into a melon, sending droplets onto the skin of giggling children across from him.

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