chapter 4

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Momoko's p.o.v
What is Miyako doing?

We shouldn't get close to the Ruffs! It's already bad enough that they go to our school! But now we have to show them around!

I was in the same class with Miyako for fourth period.

And she was talking and laughing with Boomer!

Who is our enemy.

Brick is in all the same classes with me. Right now we're in art.

Great. Not so much.

"Alright students. I shall be picking partners for our new project." The teacher announced looking at her clipboard.

Partners? God please don't pair me up with Brick. I'm begging you! Don't pair me up with-

" Momoko and Brick. You two will be partners. Your project will be sculpting what you think when you see or hear your partner's name. And...." Miss. Curako said.

"O-ok." I said nodding my head.

Brick nodded.

The teacher then gave us clay.

What do I think when I see Brick? I think Rowdyruff, enemy, evil.

But I can't do that. Then he'll think that I know he's a rowdyruff.

What else do I think? Brick. Brick! I'll make a brick!

Now that I have my idea I can begin making a brick.

Time skip to end of class


I finished the brick. And now it's time to go to my other class.

Sixth period.

Hm. I wonder what Brick did. I grabbed my sculpture and left it where the others put it.

I ran to catch up with Brick.

"Hey Brick. What did you do?" I asked.

"I did a lollipop." He said.

"Candy?" I asked.

"Yes candy. What did you do?" Brick asked me.

"A brick." I murmured.

"A what? Speak louder will ya?" He asked looking at me.

"I did a brick." I said blushing.

Brick laughed.

I looked at him confused.

"Hey! What are you laughing at?" I asked him.

"Sorry. It's just that can't believe you did a brick." He said.

He was still laughing.

"So what?! Your name's brick!" I said.

He was still laughing. God what's with this guy?! Laughing at my sculpture.

"Don't laugh! You did a lollipop!" I said crossing my arms.

I walked away from him.

For the rest of the day I ignored him. Except... that I had to guide him.


Oh well.

Karou's p.o.v
God! Can't this guy leave me alone for at least 1 fucking minute?!

Butch, a.k.a my stalker, keeps bothering me. It's getting really annoying.

"Hey. Karou!" Butch says.

"Goddamit Butch! Just leave me alone!" I say.

"No can do babe. You're suppose to be my guide. Remember that?" Butch says.

I groan.

Oh well at least this day is almost over.

Then I won't have to show Butch around anymore.

Time skip to lunch brought to you by Butch annoying Karou out of her mind. XD

(Still Karou's p.o.v )

Finally! Lunch! I see Momoko already sitting at our usual table.

I walk over to her and sit down.

"So how's your day so far Karou?" Momoko asks me.

I sigh. "Could be better if Butch wasn't annoying the heck outta me! Whatta bout you?"

"Could be better too. During art class Brick and me had to sculpt what we thought when we saw or heard our names. I did a brick. He did a lollipop." Momoko says.

A lollipop?

I burst out laughing. Momoko scoffed looking offended.

That made me laugh harder.

Soon she begins to giggle.

I can feel people staring at us.

Who cares?

"Um. Don't mind me asking but what are you guys laughing at?" I hear Miyako ask as she sat down.

"Momoko...hahaha....lollipop...brick!" I barely get that out because I was laughing so hard.

Miyako just looked confused. "What?"
"Today at art class me and Brick were partners and we were asked to sculpt what we thought when we heard each other's names. I did a brick. And Brick did a lollipop." Momoko says laughing again.
"Oh." Miyako says. She blinks. And then laughs with us.
"Hey. Um can I ask something?" Miyako asked.
"Sure. What's up?" I ask.
"Do you mind if I invite Boomer, Butch, and Brick to sit over here?" She asked playing with her fingers.
We stop laughing.
"Yes. Yes we do mind. But knowing you Miyako, you probably already invited them to eat with us." I say.
"Yes. I'm sorry. I just don't want anyone to feel like loners. Especially if they're new here." Miyako explains.
Momoko sighs. "Its fine. Don't worry about. I just wish that you would tell us before you do something."
"Sorry. Oh look! Here they come!" Miyako says looking over my shoulder.
She's right. Here come the rowdyruff boys.
Momoko's p.o.v
I look at the guys and muttered hi.
"H-hi Miyako! Thanks for letting us sit with you guys." Boomer says.
"It's fine. Right Karou?" I say smiling.
"Yes." Karou says forcing a smile.
Few minutes later.
Well this is awkward.
Boomer was sitting next to Miyako, Butch was sitting next to Karou. And Brick was sitting next to me.
I was eating strawberry cake. It was delicious so far! When i finished my piece I still had 5 pieces left.
"Hey. Do you want strawberry cake? I have enough for you all." I say.
"Sure!" They reply.
I smile as I hand over the rest of my cake.
"Thanks Momoko." Boomer says.
"Yea. Thanks."
"Strawberry cake is my favorite. Thank you Momo." Brick says.
"Momo?" I ask.
"Yeah. That's my nickname for you. Unless you want bow-head." Brick smirked.
I sigh. "No no. Momo's fine."
Brick smiles.
"I'm sleepy." Boomer says.
We laugh.
Maybe this year won't be too bad.
At least I hope so. I really don't want any drama this year. I hope this year is very peaceful. Last year there weren't many people committing crimes. It was the usual enemys. Fuzzy, Sedusa, princess, and the gang green gang.
So maybe this year will be the same. Except I have a feeling that the Rowdy Ruff Boys will be back to make trouble. I hope I'm wrong.
Hi everyone! I hope you liked that chapter. Bye!

I own nothing except the story plot.

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