Chapter 17: Butch's Fail Rescue

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Butch's p.o.v
As I watched Brick fly off quickly I heard Karou screaming.

As quick as I could I flew faster than Brick.

I had arrived at a steel door.

Shit. Steel was hard to break. I could only break iron in half. I could dent the door until I can kick it open. Too much time. Karou's at stake here!

"Stay still!"

I recognize that horrible voice! It's that slut Brute!

"OPEN THE GODDAMN FUCKING DOOR BRUTE!" I yelled as I kicked the door with all my strength leaving only a small unnoticeable dent. "Fuck."

Karou's screams died down quietly.


The door opened with a click. I quickly punched someone in the face.

"OW! What the fuck was that for?!" Brute asked as she gripped her nose in pain.

I faked apologized. "I'm soooo sorry! I didn't mean to hit you in the face. Just in the stomach."

"You little bastard!"

I dodged Brute's attack with my arms.

I smirked. "Try harder sweetie."

Brute's angry expression faded away to only be replaced by a happy one.

You don't deserve to be happy.

Brute suddenly lunged at me. "You called me sweetie!"

I was about to move out of the way when I came up with a better idea.

As I caught her, Brute giggled. But then I swung her over my shoulders as hard as I could. She wasn't smiling anymore.

I laughed at Brute's pain. That was all it took to knock her out cold?! Wow.

I then proceeded towards a desk that was close towards Karou's cage.

I couldn't really see her well with the lights out.

I just hope she's ok.

I flipped opened what seemed like a notebook.

Score! They were the instructions to how to open and close the cage!

I hurriedly flipped through the book and found what I was looking for.

How to open your cage:

Step 1: Be careful that no animals are near the entrance of the cage, for it could cause damage.

Step 2: Get your key which was included in the package.

Step 3: flip open the little box and place the key in the entrance and.....

Blah blah blah.

I quickly searched for the key. I opened the little cabinets that were looking kinda damaged. Probably from Brute.

The book fell on the ground making a sound, as if something metal fell from it.

I quickly picked up the book and saw the key.

I punched the air happily.

I'm going to rescue you Karou!

I also noticed a note fell from the book.

Well Butch. You probably found the key if you found this note.

Don't celebrate too soon.

Karou won't be able to see you anymore. She's ready to be sent somewhere else. Somewhere far far away from you.

And you won't know where she is.


I ignored the note as I walked towards the cage.

Turning on the lights, I got a better view of Karou.

But she wasn't hurt. I shrugged it off wanting to save Karou then worry about her later.

But as I proceeded to open the lock a female voice rang out.

Sending prisoner out.

What?! No!!

I rushed towards Karou as fast as I could.

Prisoner ejected from cage.

I watched in horror as Karou was lifted up into the air the wall behind her opened up.

I reached out for her.

But I didn't make it.


I'm sorry.

I lost you.











Hey guys! How are you?!

Hope you're having a good day so far.

Thanks for reading this chapter.

Sorry it's short.

Anyways remember that you're an awesome person! And you're one of a kind!

I own nothing except the story.

Have a great day!

Oh! And this story's almost finished.


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