Chapter 6

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Miyako/ Bubbles's p.o.v
It's been almost a day since Momoko's accident. We still haven't had anything new about her condition. We were all taking this bad.
Especially Brick.
It's kinda cute that Brick's worried about her.
I mentally slapped myself.
This was no time to be thinking about relationships!
"Miyako? I think you should head home. It's past midnight. You should get some rest." Boomer said.
"Thank you Boomer. But I have no intention to leave. Momoko's my best friend! I can't just go home and be all like, 'lalalalala I have no worries! None of my friends are hurt.' I have a great life! Well I don't!" I snapped.
Boomer's eyes widened.
I sighed.
"I'm sorry. It's just that-"
Boomer pulled me into a hug.
I blushed.
"It's alright. I understand. You're tired and worried sick about your friend."
"Thanks Boomer." I said smiling. I hugged him back.
"Besides, if it were Brick or Butch... I would react the same way." Boomer said.
"Miyako! Boomer! Nows not the time to be flirting with each other!" Karou yelled.
We blushed and stopped hugging each other.
"Sorry about that Miyako." Boomer said blushing.
"It's fine." I said looking at my flats. "I just wish we weren't enemies. Then everything would be better." I mumbled the last part so that no one could hear.
"What? You say something Miyako?" Butch asked.
"No. Nothing. Well- never mind."
"If you say so." Butch said shrugging it off.
I hope you're alright Momoko.
Karou's p.o.v
I banged my head on the wall.
"You know that's not very good to your head."
"Huh? Doc! How's Momoko?!" I asked.
"She's doing great!" The doctor replied. I could hear Brick and Miyako sigh in relief. "But she's going to be in the hospital for a couple of days." The doc said.
"That's great! Can we go see here now?! Screw that! I'm going to go in!" I said as I walked past Momoko's parents.
"Is she always this stubborn?" I heard the doctor say.
"Give her a break man. Her best friend almost got ran over by a truck." Butch defended me.
I don't need him to defend me. This is Momoko's room!
I reached for the knob. But then put my hand back to my side.
I really don't want to see her hurt.
But I have to be strong!
I reached for the knob again.
Then it was back at my side again.
I sighed in frustration.
Why don't I have the guts to go in?! I'm her best friend! I should be able to open the door no problemo!
I closed my eyes.

The knob was mocking me. I could feel it.

I wasn't going to let a knob mock me! I was the powerful Buttercup! I reached towards the door knob. But my hand went back to my side.
"Are you going to keep doing that all night? There are other people who want to see her ya know?" I heard someone say.
I jumped a little.
"Oh. It's you." I said flatly. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm her friend too you know!" Butch put his hands up in defeat. "Plus, they only let 2 people in at a time. So it's just you and me babe."
I growled at him.
I focused on the knob. And reached my hand out. I thought I was going to have my arm down by now. Why is it that whenever I'm around Butch I feel stronger?
Oh well. Maybe I'm coming down with something.
I heard the door click open.
I sucked my breath in.
Me and Butch walked in.
There was Momoko. Lying in a hospital bed sleeping. She shouldn't be here.
If only I could've been there faster. I could've saved her! Fuck! I was such an idiot to leave her alone!
I walked up to her bed and sat down on one of the chairs. Butch did the same.

Momoko had that hospital smell.

Ugh! How I fucking hate that smell! It's a dead person smell! Not a young girl smell.

"Karou? You alright?"
My cheeks were wet.
"Huh? The hell? I'm c-crying?!" I asked.

"It's fine Karou. Just cry on my shoulder." Butch said hugging me. My eyes widened in surprise.
I felt warm. And there was a very disturbing yet good feeling in my stomach.
I shrugged it off and hugged back. Butch seemed surprised at first. But he then hugged me tighter.
I began to let out all my bottled up feelings.

"There there. It's gonna be alright. Cry it all out." Butch whispered.
So I did. All my feelings that were once bottled up were now... gone.
I felt a little bit better.
"Thanks Butch. You're a great friend." I said. I was tired of all my crying that I eventually fell asleep on Butch's shoulder.
The last thing I heard was, "No problem Karou. Anything for you my love."

Momoko's p.o.v.
Darkness. That was all I could see.
Darkness. It was surrounding me. Until I saw it.
The light.
I decided to go towards it.
When I reached it if was almost blinded. This light was so bright!
I touched the light.

And in I went.

Next thing I knew I was in a meadow full of beautiful flowers. There was a girl with brown hair. She was wearing a purple flowing dress.

The girl turned around.

It was Bunny!
I ran towards her.
Bunny laughed and stretched out her arms. I hugged her.
"I've missed you so much!!" I said crying.
"I've missed you too Blossom!! But I'll never regret saving you guys." She said smiling.
"I- I miss you so much! You have no idea" I said again hugging her tightly.

"Bunny? Hello! Who are you?!" Someone else said.
I looked up. There was a beautiful girl with long blonde hair. She had crystal blue eyes. She almost looked like Miyako.
"H-hello. I'm Blossom. Who are you?" I asked.
The girl giggled.
"Hi Blossom!"
"Um. Don't mind me asking but... what are you doing here Blossom?" Bunny asked concerned.

"Oh that. I was almost ran over by a truck, but then my friend Brick saved me, but I landed wrong, and my head was bleeding." I replied.

"Hmm. What did you say you're name was again? Blossom?" The blonde girl asked.
"Well Blossom. You're not supposed to be here. At least not in a couple of years." The blonde girl said.

"Well. Blossom. Looks like you have to go home." Bunny said sadly.
"Hey don't be sad! I'll see you in a couple of years." I said hugging her. The blonde girl hugged us too.
"But wait. How am I supposed to get back?" I asked.
"That I can help with." Bunny said. She waved her hand and mumbled something.
A mirror appeared.

"Cool! And this is going to help me get back to Earth?" I asked.
"Yep." Bunny and the blonde said.
"Well. Ok. I guess I should be going now. I'll miss you Bunny!" I stepped closer to the mirror. "Wait. What's your name?"


Well that happened.
I have a question. Do you want Dexter in this story? If not then it'll only be Dee-dee. Sorry if this chapter was too short. It's like 2:05 right now where I live. Anyways hope you enjoyed that chapter.
Buh bye! :3

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