chapter 5

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Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for 278 views! When I first wrote the first chapter, I really didn't think people would even read this. Heck I'll be lucky to even get 10 views! Thank you again! Here's chapter 5! ^-^
(time skip to second week of school.)
Momoko's p.o.v
Ring Ring
Well that's the bell. Time to go home.
I grabbed my bag and stuffed my homework in it.
I walked towards Miyako and Karou.
"Hi guys. You ready to go home?" I asked.
"Hi Momo. Um.. I'm not going to be able to walk home with you today. I'm going to fashion club." Miyako said looked at me.
"Oh. It's ok. What about you Kao?" I asked smiling.
Karou sighed in frustration.
"Fine! Call my Kao! But no. Sorry. I've signed up for sports remember? I'm going to soccer practice. Basketball was fun. And soccer is fun too, so far." Karou said.
"Ok. I guess I'll walk home alone." I said. "Bye Momo!"
I walked out of the school. I was waiting at a stop light. The white walking guy came on, signaling that I could cross. I crossed safely.
My classes went good especially social studies. My social studies homework!
Ugh! I forgot it! How could I've been so dumb?! This could damage my grades!
I turned back and started to run back to school. I kept running. Until I heard a horn. For some reason I felt paralyzed.
There was a huge red truck coming my way.
So this is how I'm going to die? Being hit by a truck. And a red one too. Ha. Oh well at least I had a good life.
I closed my eyes waiting for my doom.
"MOMOKO!" Miyako and Karou.
What are they doing here?
Suddenly I was grabbed.
My eyes flew open.
There was a sharp pain at the back of my head when I hit the ground.
"You idiot! What are you trying to do?! Get ran over?! You're lucky I was here to save you!" I heard Brick say.
"Oh my god! Momoko! Are you ok?!" Miyako asked. She was crying.
"What the hell?! You could've gotten killed!" Karou said angrily.
"I'm sorry. My homework! I was going to get it!" I said crying. My vision was getting blurry. And not from crying. I think I might black out any minute. The pain was unbearable.
Miyako gasped.
"Momoko. T-there's blood s-surrounding your head." Boomer stuttered.
"Oh. Hi Bommer. What's up?" I asked trying to hide my pain.
"The hell Momoko?! You're head's bleeding and your in pain and yet you're saying 'what's up'?!" Butch said
"Guys! We've got to get her to a hospital!" Brick yelled.
"Oh my gosh! Brick's right!" Miyako said.
I felt myself being carried by Brick.
Why's he being so nice to me everyday? Doesn't he know I'm a puff?
A few minutes later we arrived at the hospital. I felt my eyelids growing heavier. My breathing was slowing down.
Wow. I didn't know there was so much blood in a person.
I knew I was losing too much blood. I've must've hit my head against a sharp rock.
Eventually I lost conscious.
Brick's p.o.v (it's going to be from when Momoko almost got ran over.)
I was walking back to homeroom. Classes have ended for today.
I saw Momoko walking out of the classroom. I decided to follow her. Just to scare her. Nothing else.
I know that Momoko, Miyako, and Karou were the powerpuffs.
You see the reason why I know that is because we, the rowdy ruffs, have been spying on the powerpuffs.
But before you call us stalkers. Let me just say it was a mission given by the cross dresser. You guessed it! It's Him.
And while we were spying on them we eventually fell in love with them. I don't even remember the reason why we hated them!
I suddenly heard a honk. My eyes went open.
Shit! Momoko was going to get ran over!
I'm not going to let you die Momoko. Not if I can prevent it.
I ran faster than I ever have and grabbed Momoko. We landed on grass.
"You idiot! What are you trying to do?! Get ran over?! You're lucky I was here to save you!" I said angrily.
"Oh my god! Momoko! Are you ok?!" Miyako asked. She was crying.
"What the hell?! You could've gotten killed!" Karou said angrily.
"I'm sorry. My homework! I was going to get it!" Momoko said. Great now I feel guilty for yelling at her.
I heard Miyako gasp.
"Momoko. T-there's blood s-surrounding your head." Boomer stuttered.
There's what?
"Oh. Hi Bommer. What's up?" Momoko asked.
"The hell Momoko?! You're head's bleeding and your saying 'what's up'?!" Butch said.
"Guys! We've got to get her to a hospital!" I yelled.
"Oh my gosh! Brick's right!" Miyako agreed with me.
I picked up Momoko and I carried her to the hospital.
Once we got there Momoko closed her eyes.
"No! Momoko! Don't go to sleep!" I yelled.
I turned around and saw a doctor and a stretcher.
"Oh." I placed Momoko on the stretcher and they took her away.
I sat down on one of the couches and curled up into a little ball.
God! I'm such an idiot! I should've protected her head! Now it's my fault that she's injured!
"Hey Brick. Don't beat yourself up. This wasn't your fault. You did the best you could to help her." Boomer said.
"What do you know?! What if it was Miyako?!" I said.
Boomer flinched.
"Well then I'll have you to help me get through this." Boomer quietly said.
"Boomer I'm sorry." I said giving him a bro hug.
God I'm so emotional right now.
Boomer laughed and hugged back.
"It's fine Brick. We're brothers. And we help each other out." He said.
"Yea. I'm surprised to say this but our little brother is right Brick." Butch said chuckling.
I grinned.
"Hey!" Boomer said.
We just laughed.
I hope Momoko's ok.
Miyako's p.o.v
"Kao-Chan. What are we going to tell Momoko's parents?" I asked.
"Don't worry Miya. We'll figure something out. Now go tell them." Karou said making a gesture to tell me to go.
I sighed and went over to a quiet place.
I dialed Momoko's parents.
First ring.
Second ring.
"Hello? This is Mrs. Akatsutsumi. Who's speaking?"
"Um. Hello Mrs. Akatsutsumi. I just called to tell you that. Um... please don't freak out. But your daughter, Momoko is in the hospital." I said trying hard not to cry.
"Momoko's in the hospital!" I cried.
"I-I'll be right there!" Mrs. Akatsutsumi said quickly. She hung up.
I closed my phone. I sighed and walked over to Karou.
"Karou!" I said crying into her shoulder.
Karou hugged me.
"Don't worry Miyako. Momoko doesn't want us to be sad." Karou said.
"I can't help it! She's my best friend! Our best friend! And she could die! I mean she lost a huge amount of blood! And I know that that's bad!" I said referring to science, when the teacher told us that it was very bad to lose blood. And that you could die if you lose a certain amount.
"I know. But... we gotta be strong! Damn! Why did we have to let go by herself?! If we went with her then none of this would have happened!" Karou said. I could tell that she was close to crying.
"Hey. Don't blame yourself. It's not our faults." I said trying to calm her down.
Funny. Just a few seconds ago I was the one who needed calming down.
Mr. and Mrs. Akatsutsumi and Kuriko came running in.
"How's my baby?!" Mrs. Akatsutsumi asked.
"W-we don't know yet. The doctors have been in there with her for about almost half an hour ago." Brick said.
"Who are you boys?" Mr. Akatsutsumi asked.
"I'm Brick. Momoko's friend." He replied.
"I'm Boomer. Also her friend." Boomer said shyly.
"I'm Butch. I'm also Momoko's friend." He said.
Mr. Akatsutsumi nodded.
"Miyako. How did this all happen?" Kuriko asked nervously.
"Well she was was walking home by herself, because Karou and me where at our clubs. But then we felt bad about letting her walk home, so we decided to catch up with her. And then there was this huge red truck," I began. Mrs. Akatsutsumi gasped at the truck part.
"And Momoko was so scared that she couldn't move, and the truck was so close to running her over when Brick goes and saves her. But they landed wrong, and Momoko hit her head on a big rock, and then her head started to bleed, and she lost a h-huge amount of blood." Karou finished it for me because I was already crying.
"But I think this is a little better then getting hit by a truck. If Momoko was hit by it she would've died instantly." A doctor said.
Mr. Akatsutsumi and Mrs. Akatsutsumi hugged Brick and thanked him for saving Momoko.
"I would gladly get killed saving Momoko." Brick said blushing.
Mrs. Akatsutsumi smiled a little bit.
"I'm glad Momoko has a good boyfriend like you Brick. Someone that would risk their own live for my daughter is someone I approve of." Mr. Akatsutsumi said patting Brick on the shoulder.
"Thanks sir. But I'm not her boyfriend." Brick said sadly.
"Well do you want to be?" Kuriko asked.
"Yea." Brick muttered blushing.
"Well son... I wouldn't usually say this but... go for it." Mr. Akatsutsumi said.
We all looked at him surprised and confused. Except for Brick he looked like he won a billion dollars.
Mrs. Akatsutsumi laughed at Brick's reaction.
"Thank you sir!" Brick said.
"Just take good care of her okay? Don't make me regret this." Mr. Akatsutsumi warned.
"Don't worry sir! I won't!" Brick said smiling. "I just wish Momoko was here."
"I do too." Mrs. Akatsutsumi said sadly.
We all sighed.
"Family of Miss. Momoko Akatsutsumi?"
Mr. and Mrs. Akatsutsumi stood up. So did Kuriko.
"Hunny I think it'll be best if you stay here okay?" Mrs. Akatsutsumi said.
"O-okay mom." Kuriko said sighing.
Poor girl. She must feel terrible about this.
Mrs. Akatsutsumi p.o.v (ooh new person's p.o.v)
I followed the doctor and my husband.
"So how's Momoko's condition?" I asked worried.
"Let's just say that we did surgery and it was a success." The doctor said.
I hugged my husband.
"But? What do you mean but?!" I asked.
"Shh. Calm down dear. Let the doctor explain." My husband said.
"Sorry. But did you forget? OUR DAUGHTER IS IN THE HOSPITAL!" I yelled.
"Mrs. Akatsutsumi. Your daughter is in critical condition. She has lost too much blood. At one point we lost her. But then she was alive afterwards. We believe that your daughter will get better. She will need your help." The doctor says.
I breath out in relief.
My precious daughter is going to be alright. Thank god.
How was that chapter? Sorry if it's not long. It looks long on my phone.
anyways thank you for reading this! Bye! ^-^

I own nothing except the story plot.

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