Chapter 41

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Rohit and Arjun both sat in silence, but the silence was peaceful. The cold breeze was touching their faces, reminding them how far they had come. Sipping their coffee in the peaceful silence.

Rohit leaned on Arjun's shoulder, "Thanks... Bhai!" Rohit said softly, a small smile formed on Arjun's lips.

Wrapping his arm around him, "Welcome beta❤," he said, planting a small tender kiss on his hair.

They both sat in silence. It looks like after years, Rohit found an elder figure on whom he could rely, and Arjun found a best friend on whom he could depend.

After all, at the end of the day, "An elder brother also needs an elder btother".

"Please, na baba!" Manik pleaded, walking behind Arjun and holding the hem of his kurta, like a baby duck following its mother duck.

Arjun, who was not paying any attention to Manik, instead kept himself busy with the newspaper.

Manik pouted in annoyance, "Baba, suno toh sahi," still no response.

Manik's pout grew more, making him look like a bunny with a carrot stuffed in his mouth. Suddenly, a mischievous smile appeared on his face. He sat on the floor, sprawling his legs and started shaking his arms in the air, "Baba, sunoo naaaa," Manik said, or more like sang.

Rohit burst out laughing at his drama, whereas Arjun, who still paid no heed to his drama, started walking to the kitchen.

Manik, who was crying dramatically, which was highly hilarious, stopped when he didn't find Arjun in the living room.

He ran to the kitchen and saw Arjun making something. Manik hugged Arjun and again started irritating him, "Mele pale baba, mele shone baba, plww na," he said in his baby voice with doe-eyes, tugging his kurta lightly.

If his baby voice was not enough, the tugging of the kurta melts Arjun's heart. He was trying very hard to ignore the monkey, but yeah, looks like it's not possible.

He turned around and whacked the certain bunny, who in return pouted, caressing his head. He hugged him. Manik hid his face in his chest.

Arjun smiled and reciprocated the hug, wrapping his arms around him. Manik snuggled closer into his baba's arms, his every time go-to place; he missed it a lot.

"Kyun karta hai aisa?" Arjun asked, slightly disappointed. Manik's heart sank hearing his baba's disappointed tone, tears formed in his eyes. He could bear anything but not that tone. He snuggled closer, "Cholly," Manik apologized, which was suppressed due to his snuggling.

Arjun caressed his back, providing him the comfort he needs. That was the last straw; Manik broke into tears. Arjun, who was somewhat expecting that outburst, carried Manik in his arms. He sat on the sofa with him on his lap like a baby.

Caressing his back, he let him cry as much as he wanted. After a few minutes, his tears changed into sobs. Arjun tried to move him to have a look at his face. But Manik thought Arjun was going to leave him, so he increased his grip on Arjun's neck and whined.

"Relax, baby. I am not going to leave you. Let me see your face," Manik let Arjun move him. "Baby, yeh kya haal bana liya," Arjun said with concern, looking at his red face. He wiped the tears from his face.

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