3. The Weasley Twins

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Chapter 3: The Weasley Twins

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Chapter 3: The Weasley Twins

Anne-Leigh was making her way through the corridor towards the Headmistress' office when she unexpectedly bumped into the headmistress herself, seemingly coming from her office to meet her. McGonagall greeted her politely before falling into strides with her, opting to start their conversation outside the office, seeing as no one else was nearby. Leigh assumed students were still having a blast in the great hall, catching up and eating all that their hearts could desire.

"How have you experienced the first day back, Miss Conway?" McGonagall's voice cut through the silence, her gaze turned towards the floor in front of them and her hands clasped together upon her robes.

Leigh took a breath, nodding her head, "Good," she managed to squeeze out before mentally punching herself in the gut. Pull it together.

She tried a second time. "It was lovely to meet everyone again. Seeing Nova, Harry and the rest. Some of which I at one point never thought I'd see again. And had the opportunity to catch up – I heard Ginny is playing for the Harpies." At the mention of quidditch McGonagall immediately seemed to perch up. "You must be proud."

McGonagall nodded with a faint smile. "Oh yes. Very proud. Miss Weasley certainly had a talent for the sport. Seems to run in the family."

Leigh hummed in agreement. Upon a moment of reflection she realized the words rang true. Both Ron who had been Gryffindors' keeper a few years back, and the Weasley twins having been beaters, and now Ginny, who needed little explanation.

"Do you know if there will be a tournament this year?" Leigh asked. She wasn't too into quidditch herself, but remembered the conversation her friends had had around the table during the meal.

"I'm afraid I can't answer that just yet Miss Conway. Regardless, I'm certain something quidditch-related will happen this year. After all, what would Hogwarts be without the incredible quidditch spirit?" Leigh agreed silently, and McGonagall continued, "Are you planning on trying out for the team?"

Leigh shook her head, and laughed internally. "Oh, no, I'm afraid my opportunity to be involved in quidditch has passed. I'm quite certain my focus this year will be solely on my studies."

McGonagall nodded approvingly. "So I have heard. And that's also what I wanted to talk to you about today." The two of them rounded a corner, nearing the Headmistress' office. "You let me know, not too long ago, that you were interested in partaking in some extracurricular activities that could help the school, correct?"

Leigh nodded, "Correct. As I'm thinking of which steps to take after my graduation, I figured that taking initiative around the school and being involved in projects outside my classes might benefit me in that journey."

"Understood. Do you know what you want to pursue after Hogwarts?" She asked with curiosity.

Taking a second to gather her thoughts, Leigh hummed to herself. In all honesty, she had no clue anymore. A few years ago she had been set on working within education, perhaps within the Ministry's Department of Magical Education. Considering that to be an impressive enough answer, she divulged it to McGonagall, who seemed pleased.

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