53. Is This A Dream Thing?

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Chapter 53: Is This A Dream Thing?

Later that night Fred made his way through the door of the familiar orange shop in Hogsmeade, now even damper than before. Despite the short distance from Hogwarts, especially on broom, the storm ravaging outside had left it's marks.

Fred immediately let out a breath once he got inside, closing the door behind him and leaning back against the wall as the snow in his hair and clothes gradually turned to water and dripped onto the floor.

George, hearing his brother's entrance, appeared at the top of the stairs to the flat. "Is she okay?"

Fred still leaned tiredly against the wall, hand coming up to rub his face.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I am messing it up," he spoke quietly as his mind returned to the events in the common room. George remained with a questioning expression, and Fred continued, "I don't know what to do to help."

"You're doing the best you can."

Fred looked up at his brother. "Maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm just adding to her plate, like you said."

George moved down a few steps on the staircase. "Forget what I said. There's a reason she keeps going to you. Just trust yourself on this. She does – she trusts you, yeah?" At the lack of a response from Fred, who seemed to consider his words, he continued. "You know that you don't want to hurt her. You know that." Fred nodded. "So don't worry, yeah?"

Fred nodded again, shoulders relaxing slightly before he made his way towards his twin and up the stairs, cold water dripping in his tracks.


Hours, and large amounts of sleep, later, Leigh awoke in her dorm. Not even a few minutes passed before yesterday night's events rushed back to her, and her cheeks slowly but surely heated up. A mixture of emotions tumbled around in her chest, yet she couldn't resist the faint smile which started to trace her lips. Lips which had touched Fred Weasley's lips just a few hours prior.

Her face burned even more at the reminder, and her mind wandered over to revisit the feeling when she kissed him, the soft, delicate syncing of their movements and his gentle hands holding her face.

Despite the warm, fuzzy feeling rising within her, she eventually squeezed her eyes shut, pulling herself out of her memories and groaning faintly under her breath. She had just messed everything up. So badly.

Her palm placed itself upon her closed eyes, and she took a deep inhale. How in the world was she going to sort this out? What was she supposed to tell Fred?

"Is this a dream thing?"

Leigh's eyes opened at the sound of Nova's voice, and she gazed over at her friend's bed, seeing her sitting crosslegged, staring intently her way.

Leigh rubbed her eye, pulling herself up into a sitting position. "What are you talking about?"

"Thought you dreamt again. Thought I'd nip it in the bud before you got to the screaming incoherently part."

Leigh rolled her eyes, but regretted it a moment later, seeing slivers of concern behind Nova's joking comment. "I don't know why that happened," Leigh spoke quietly, "it's never gone on like that before."

Nova nodded. "Cat's out the bag though. I didn't know what to do but to tell them."

"Yeah, I get that," Leigh sighed before giving her an apologetic look. "But just Hermione and Ron, right?"

Nova shrugged. "And whoever else heard a shriek of horror in the night and decided to take a peek." When she saw Leigh's worried expression she added, "although you had put muffliato so I wouldn't be too concerned."

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