12. Fireworks

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Chapter 12: Fireworks

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Chapter 12: Fireworks

Leigh woke up by the sound of thumping in her ears. Her head was on fire, and she winced as the harsh sun shone through the window and into her bed. "God," she mumbled incoherently. She had forgotten the pain of these hangovers, and was again reminded of why she should stay away from firewhisky.

She pulled the sheets off her body, keeping her eyes closed as long as possible as her hand fumbled across the bedside table, attempting to find her watch. She glanced at it quickly, soon regretting it as daggers shot through her eyes and straight into her skull. She groaned, holding her head in her hands. She tried to find solace in the fact that she had experienced worse, although that didn't help very much at the moment.

Against her body's wishes she crawled out of bed and reluctantly dragged herself into the bathroom to get ready. As much as she enjoyed letting a bit loose yesterday, she still prioritised class, and she wouldn't miss it for the heftiest hangover in the world. As she started to change clothes in front of her bed, she carefully nudged Nova in the bed beside her. She stirred slightly, grumbling.

"Wake up. You'll miss class," Leigh whispered to her friend, who seemed thoroughly disinterested. Leigh had expected as much, but still felt she owed it to her friend to at least try.

Silently, when Nova remained disinterested and merely grumbled tiredly, Leigh made her way out the dorms and through the painting. Just the thought of food made her stomach revolt, and she deliberately dodged breakfast. Just the smell of bacon or eggs might make her hurl right there on the spot.

She slowly but surely made it to the history of magic classroom, her first class of the day, where Professor Binns, the ghost professor, didn't even notice her entrance. He wasn't a very attentive professor, that much was clear. His classes were often quite boring and failed to capture students' attention, and for once Leigh was tremendously thankful.

She plummeted onto a chair and immediately leant her head onto her hands on her desk. Judging by the look of the students who trudged into the classroom after her, she wasn't the only one feeling a bit...tired. Even Hermione threw her head down onto the desk after she sat down. No hands were in the air that morning.

Next up was herbology, and she followed the stream of students to the greenhouse. Seeing as Nova understandably still hadn't shown up, Leigh looked across the students in the room, searching for someone else who was missing a partner. Professor Sprout seemed to notice her efforts.

"Missing a partner, Miss Conway?" She asked, to which Leigh was quick to nod.

"Yes, I do. My partner was caught with a nasty flu and decided to stay up in the dorms until lunch–," she started, and Sprout was quick to dismiss her with the wave of a hand.

"Oh, keep it for the other Professors. I remember those 'flu's." With a chuckle she lifted her eyes to look over the students piling into the room. "Longbottom and Conway, pair up for this class!"

Between the Cracks  //  𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓵𝓮𝔂Where stories live. Discover now