As the Second Wizarding War ended, many students decided to go back to Hogwarts to finish their studies. Anne-Leigh Conway was one of them.
While she attempts to come to terms with what's happened, she gets entangled in an effort set forth by Headmi...
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Chapter 20! Currently have 103 reads in total but that's fine! Writing this has become quite important to me, so if you're sticking around then thank you very much :)
Chapter 20: Grand Opening
Today was the day of the grand opening, and Leigh admitted that she was nervous. After Thursday's time with Fred, and Friday's embarrassing conversation with Nova and Hermione, Leigh was sure she had no clue what to do if she had to step foot into the same room as the Weasley. Hermione was right, nothing had happened, but still Leigh felt that nagging feeling in the back of her mind, making her second guess her every word, and thought, in relation to him.
Although Leigh had already been down to Hogsmeade two times the last few weeks, she admitted it would be nice to go there with her friends. Even the 7th years, who had spent countless days at Hogsmeade throughout the years, seemed to be excited to visit with the village together with other classmates.
It was the last few days of September, and students saw the excursion as a reason to bring out their nice summer clothes one last time before autumn hit. The sun was out despite the moderately chilly weather, and Leigh watched as students stood outside the castle, waiting for the group to leave towards the village, shaking slightly in their flowing dresses and thin cardigans.
While she appreciated their summery look, she herself had shrugged on a sweater and a pair of jeans, and considered herself done with it.
Nova stood shuddering by her side, and Leigh looked at her apologetically. "Are you sure you don't want me to run up and get a jumper?"
"I'll be warmer once we start walking," Nova told herself.
Leigh spotted a familiar face and delivered a small wave to Neville, who approached them with Louise by his side. He looked nervous, Leigh thought to herself with a grin.
"Hi guys," he said awkwardly as she reached them.
"Hi! Nice to see you again Louise," Leigh said with a smile.
Nova immediately started complimenting the girl's outfit, and Leigh took this as an opportunity to pull Neville to the side.
"Are you together yet?" She asked bluntly in a whisper, and Neville's cheeks flushed bright pink.
"Not yet," he replied in hushed tones. "But this is a date. I asked her on it. On the date that is. This," he rambled nervously and Leigh's eyes widened.
"It's a date?" Neville nodded profusely. "Why are you standing here with us then if you two are on a date?"
Neville shrugged, looking at her intently. "I don't know! I saw you wave and I panicked! I don't know how to do these things!" He exclaimed, and Leigh chuckled lightly at his reaction.
"Me neither, in all honesty," she replied.
"Okay, I'm thinking–" Neville started, whispering, "once we start walking me and Louise hang back and walk after everyone else."