7. Code Orange

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Chapter 7: Code Orange

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Chapter 7: Code Orange

"So," Leigh started, turning the pages in her notebook to the first blank one available before pushing it in front of her slightly. With another flick of her wand, her quill rose from its location on the desk and moved to hover above the notebook, ready to take notes of the meeting. "Let's begin and get this meeting over with," she said to the twins, before quickly facing the quill and mumbling 'don't write that down'. The quill remained still in return.

"I've been thinking of how to structure these meetings," Leigh continued. "From what I understand, the point is to keep track of the products and ultimately assess the risk of those, and the consequences if they were to be used on Hogwarts grounds." The twins looked at each other before returning their gaze to Leigh with a combined shrug and nod. They didn't seem to know completely either, or perhaps (most likely) they didn't really care.

"When is the shop set to open?" She asked instead, knowing it hadn't opened yet.

"Soon enough," George replied vaguely, a sparkle in his eye. "Got a grand opening planned and everything."

"Going to be wicked. Limited edition fireworks, new range of Skiving Snackboxes, you name it," Fred continued proudly, and Leigh's expression gradually changed into one of distaste.

"Right..," she trailed off, clearly not into the idea of more students using candy to fake sickness to get out of class. And fireworks within school walls - absolutely not. "Are you able to compile a complete list of the products you'll offer when you open?" She asked.

George moved to stand up. "Aha, already one step ahead of you there! Give me a second," he said and moved towards a bag located by the brooms.

As George rummaged around the bag trying to find said product list, Fred instead leaned forward, again reaching out to grab the arithmancy book and peeking into it. "Arithmancy," he said, and for once it looked like his brain might actually be working. "Something to do with predicting the future, right?" He looked at her, waiting for her answer.

She hummed slightly. "Kind of," she mumbled.

Fred nodded to himself. "Hermione always used to go on about it when she visited the burrow," he continued. "Ancient runes and all. Seemed terribly confusing."

Leigh shrugged. "I think it's fascinating."

"Clearly," Fred's eyes gleamed playfully as he looked at her. "Tell me something about the future then," he said with a smirk.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes lightly. "It's not like that. It's not complete rubbish like divination. It has a mathematical basis, and there's a lot of usage of number charts, for example. Rather than predicting the future at large, it can be used to predict certain trends in the future," she explained. She couldn't help it – she adored the subject and would speak about it to anyone and anything who would listen.

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