As the Second Wizarding War ended, many students decided to go back to Hogwarts to finish their studies. Anne-Leigh Conway was one of them.
While she attempts to come to terms with what's happened, she gets entangled in an effort set forth by Headmi...
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Chapter 5: Advanced Arithmancy Studies
The next morning Leigh was walking along the corridor, approaching her first class. She was excited to properly get into the start of term. Despite a difficult morning she felt hopeful. She wouldn't let the disappointment of the previous day bring her down, and she smiled faintly as she glanced down at her Arithmancy textbook. She had received an O in the subject in the O.W.Ls a few years prior, and she was more than excited to continue her studies in the subject at N.E.W.T level.
She knew Hermione Granger would do the same, having heard that it's been her favourite subject for some time now, and she was happy to see the girl already present in the classroom as Leigh entered it. They smiled at each other, and Hermione moved her things from the left side of the desk and urged Leigh to grab a seat.
They weren't the closest of friends, but naturally they bonded over the shared love for studying. Them both being muggleborn also helped, although that topic mostly stayed unspoken.
Immediately, the two students chatted away excitedly, sharing what they expected and what they looked forward to in the class. Of course, the two of them desperately wanted to be enrolled in the Advanced Arithmancy Studies class, and hoped that today's class would shed more light on the course and who its students were going to be.
Professor Vector soon turned up, along with the rest of the students (who hadn't bothered to arrive 15 minutes early), and the class ended up being just as interesting as expected. As Leigh and Hermione gathered their things from the wooden desk they agreed to visit the library before lunch, neither of them having another class scheduled right away.
As they entered the study area, expecting to be met with a wave of silence, they instead were greeted with the sound of people chatting across the tables. To her surprise, Leigh saw Ron in one of the seats. She didn't take him as someone who had spent a great deal of time in the library during his years at Hogwarts. Except, of course, when he was scheming with Harry and Hermione to in some way mysteriously save the wizarding world, which actually used to happen quite often. She soon saw both Harry and Neville at his sides.
Hermione seemed to notice them as well, and raised a hand to wave in their direction. Soon enough the two of them were moving through the tables to reach the rest of the group.
"Hi guys!" Hermione said cheerfully, sitting down at the empty space beside Harry, while Leigh placed herself in the chair beside Ron. Hermione's books made a loud thump as they were placed on the table. "Arithmancy was amazing." She exclaimed with a broad smile.
"Of course it was," Ron rolled his eyes in fake annoyance, but a smirk grew on his lips as he looked over at Hermione with love.
Not even registering his words in her state of cheer, Hermione continued on. "Both me and Leigh got put in the Advanced Arithmancy Studies class! Best day of my life!" She said happily, and Ron coughed loudly before nodding towards Harry, who was looking at Hermione with a faint smile.