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After the chaos caused by the Polyjuice potion mishap, during which Hermione transformed into a cat, (Name) sought solace in the calm seclusion of her dorm room with Una, accompanied only by a fellow dormmate who was recuperating in the hospital wing

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After the chaos caused by the Polyjuice potion mishap, during which Hermione transformed into a cat, (Name) sought solace in the calm seclusion of her dorm room with Una, accompanied only by a fellow dormmate who was recuperating in the hospital wing.

As the Christmas break continued, the anticipation of returning to Hogwarts intensified among the professors, students and parents, who couldn't shake off the anxiety caused by the chamber of secrets' ongoing mysterious events. Hence, with school still at a standstill, many were apprehensive about what awaited them upon its reopening, adding to the prevailing sense of unease and uncertainty in the air.

The dorm room felt eerily quiet without the usual chatter and laughter of the missing occupants, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and solitude for (Name) as she pondered the recent events and awaited the return of her other friends.

Una, her loyal familiar, nestled on her bed with her human staring at the ceiling, daydreaming.

Deep in thought, (Name) rolled off her bed, took out her notebook, and turned to a page where she had scribbled down key details, the ink of her pen spelling out the ominous words, 'In 1943, the Chamber of Secrets was opened...'

As the weight of unanswered questions lingered in the air, (Name) couldn't help but wonder aloud in the silent space of their shared thoughts, 'But if not Hagrid, then who could have unleashed such chaos?' The mental link between them sparked with curiosity.

"It means at that time the last heir of Slytherin was the one who opened it until fifty years later..." Remus said as he was deep in thoughts again, recalling the past chapters that his honorary niece had theorized about her prophecy.

Una, ever perceptive, voiced a theory, her words laced with uncertainty yet intrigue, 'Could it be this Tom Riddle guy? The ties to Salazar Slytherin seem too strong to dismiss.'

'Yes, he is,' Hagrid internally thought as he accidentally let a loud sigh through his nose, glaring at the name.

Those who sat close to him noticed it, but they kept silent.

Turning the pages of history in search of answers, the demiwitch mulled over the dark wizard known as Voldemort, pondering aloud, 'Had he, in his youth, studied in this school? His disdain for muggleborns and blood traitors was extremely clear...'

Many shivered at the name that had been narrated on the screen.

Una, her voice a mere whisper against the shell of (Name)'s ear, added softly, 'Perhaps... There could be a possibility, since no one had ever known who Voldemort really is...'

(Name) wrote down something in her book which are--

'Hagrid accused--- he is the Condemned, could've known about the hidden truths;

𝙰𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 [𝙿𝙹𝙾 𝚡 𝙷𝙿] (𝟷)Where stories live. Discover now