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Yun SeByeol's POV~

Holy shit!!!!!

Yeosang!!!!!As if in Kang Yeosang of Ateez. Fuck fuck fuck!!! My fangirlism and babygirlism both are coming to surface!!
Did I just hitted him. I can't believe this. I'm a monster. I just hitted an angel. I'm going to hell for sure.

But wow. He is beautiful. Majestic. I can be his caretaker if he asks me to. No hesitation.

He is bleeding though. What do I do?!?!
Oh yeh. I should heal him. I MUST heal him. So, I putted my hand softly on his forehead, while closing my eyes, I imagined and visualised my bodily energy flowing from my body parts to my hand and through my hand to his head. I felt it. I felt the energy flowing through my body.

It felt lively. Its been a little while since I've done this on someone other than myself. I could feel his scars healing under my palm. It felt warm. His skin and the energy felt warm. A type of warmth you feel when you are on a beach out in the sun with a little wind. It felt nice. And orangish warmth. You know what I mean? Yeh, that feeling.

It took me just 2 minutes to heal all his cuts and now he might wake any minute.

"Yeosang-ah. Where are you? " Someone called. I know this voice. I can't pinpoint it yet but I'm sure I've heard it before. Oh yes, he was the one who ordered the pirates to come back. Damn, he has a deep voice. Wow.

I heard shuffling near me, turning my head I saw the angel waking up. He opened his eyes gently, when his eyes fell on me, I saw his eyes widen, he was about to scream. I quickly covered his mouth with my still bloody hand. I stared in his eyes with my own wide ones.Wow. We were close.

Ughh!!! Not the time Byeol!!! Get your head out of the gutter!!

I hurriedly whispered in his ears to stay quiet and that I won't hurt him. I felt him turning a little stiff under my hands..l Pulling a little back, I saw him staring at my shoulder. Oh yeh, the bullet was still there. But thank god he didn't said anything.

I heard the door closing and the other man leaving the room. When I was sure that no one was here. I took my hands off his mouth.

"Oh uhm, hey?? " I said.

Wow, nice start Byeol.

"Hey." He whispered back.

I can die peacefully now. His voice, oh my god his voice was like the sound of rain. So soft yet deep, I can listen to it all day.

"I'm sorry for hurting you back there, it was out of instinct." I whispered feeling guilty for hurting someone like him.

"Its ok." He smiled and touched his forehead and than suddenly looked cutely confused. Awwww.
"Why can't I feel any scratches?? I remember you hitting me with a glass bottle. " He asked.

Oh. You don't have to remind me that but now how should I explain this.

"Uhm, I healed you. Don't worry about it" I replied with an awkward smile.

"You healed me? What does that mean? Who are you?" He asked seriously.

I noticed a little distrust in his eyes. No, that's bad. So I hurriedly said whatever came into my mind.

"I know how to heal a wound by using a little magic."

Oh nice Byeol, now he'll think you are a witch.

"I'm not a witch, I swear." I ended panicking.

He smiled once more. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeee.

"I see, thank you for healing me. What are you doing here anyway?"

Hmmm. Good question.

"Hm I don't really know, but these pirates basically raided my ship. So to survive, this was the only way I found. And I assume you are one of their captives. I can help you to get out of here." I adviced, feeling a little giggly all of a sudden.

He looked like he was thinking for a moment and than asked, "Do you have a plan for that?"

"Not really, because to be able to escape without getting caught, I need to first take out this bullet."I said pointing at my shoulder "I had tied it with a cloth right now to minimize the bleeding but the wound is still raw. "

He turned serious again. Wow, the duality. He still looks so angel like even being so serious. I love him!!

"If you know how to heal a wound, than why don't you heal yours?"He asked raising an eyebrow.

Wow hot.

"I can but for that I need to first take the bullet out and I don't have any equipment for that. I did thought of taking it out by my hands but it will do more damage than help." I finished.

He suddenly stood up.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I said trying to pull him back down. Someone might come back and catch us. And that's the last thing I want to happen right now, when I'm fully one on one conversing with the one and only Kang Yeosang.

"Lets go. " He said without answering my question.

"No, what do you mean?! Do you want to get caught Yeosang?!" I whisper shouted.

Again he stiffened.

"How do you know my name?" He questioned.

What do I say now?!?!?
Fuck, fuck, fuck!?! Think quickly Byeol!!! Hurry up!!

"I heard that man calling your name."


He hummed "We won't get caught. " He replied with surity.

"How are you so sure?" I asked confused.

"Because I'm one of them." He smiled.

"Close your mouth or a fly will enter." He said chuckling.

Oh I didn't noticed my jaw touching the floor. Well wow. Now I'm done.. They are gonna kill me. First for hurting one of their crew member, and that also the pure angel and than they are going to take my organs and sell it in the black market and than-

"Don't worry. We won't hurt you. " He smiled reassuringly.

I guess I was thinking too loud.
But if he is one of them that means he is a pirate and that means the other ateez members are pirates too. Wow. Now this is drama!!! Exciting!!
I just hope they won't drown me in the ocean.

The ateez in my world are gentleman's. I wish they are like that too.

Nodding a little I stood up and said, "You are my saviour. I'm going to trust you with my life. "

He laughed a little at that. Oh wow.l. I feel blessed.

Walking out of the room the first thing I was met with was a hard chest in front of me and Yeosang. Slowly looking up I was met with yellow and orange hair and dark orange?pair of eyes.

Golden CAPTAIN || Ateez *PIRATE AU*Where stories live. Discover now