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Yun SeByeol's POV~

A Berserker? Jongho is a berserker??

The only thing I know about Berserker's is that they are uncontrollable and unpredictable beasts. You never know who they're going to kill next. Yes, kill. Because if they have a target, that target won't stay alive no matter what.

Why am I alive right now? Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful I'm alive but I'm too confused.

"He's a berserker Miss.Golden."Repeated Hongjoong, "I'm pretty sure you already know what that means." He finished, staring blankly at me.

"I do." I replied, "He didn't had any intention to kill me."

Wooyoung snickered, "Why so confident about that my lady?"

I sighed already feeling exhausted with this conversation and because of his constant snickering, "Can you stop showing your teeth again and again. They aren't even that pretty.", Hell yeah I was being a little petty bitch right now but I dont care anymore. Give me a break dude,
"And I'm confident because I didn't felt any danger or like something bad is going to happen when I was near him. And I trust my intuition and magic."I finished glaring back at Wooyoung.

"You didn't felt any danger radiating off him? "

Wooyoung was rudely interrupted by Hongjoong. Ha, serves him right.

"No." I replied with surity looking back at him, "Infact, I felt a little safe?"

Now when I think of it. I did. I did felt safe with him. A little weirded out by his behaviour, yes but I felt safe. I was fully aware that he was capable of killing me just by his aura but I didn't felt like he will.

Hongjoong didn't answered but continued to look me in the eyes and if this was his way of seeing any sign of lies than no way in hell that I'm going to break this eye contact. Not like I'm complaining though, I still like his dark eyes and mullet.

Nodding after a moment he declared, "Alright everyone. Sit back and continue with your meal."

Okay? That's it? Thank the lord though because I was getting fed up of their non-reason suspicion on me.

I was going to sit back when Seonghwa asked so rudely and darkly that I almost felt suffocated. Almost. I'm not letting him get to me.

"You're not seriously trusting her captain, are you?!? What has gotten into you?? I told you she is a witch and looks like she has possessed you with her black magic too!" Seonghwa said with his voice becoming louder and louder.

God, how much does he hate me?
I was done with his shit.

Before Hongjoong can answer, I spoke, "Yes he trusts me because he has a brain and isn't stupid like you. He knows when to be logical and rational and it's not like I have given you guys any reason not to trust me. Why do you even doubt me so much?! Did I hurted your fragile ego yesterday, is that why you're acting so childish right now?! Or is it that you just can't handle a women being more useful than you because I believe that with the help of my magic I can do more for this crew than you!! Scared that I'll take your place quatermaster?" I questioned sarcastically. At this point I was just babbling anything. I paused looking at his reaction for a moment, he looked too stunned and a little hurt?  No, that's probably hate in his eyes.

"And he's the captain quatermaster. When the captain orders sit, you sit. When he says eat, you eat. Do your work quatermaster that is follow the captain's orders. Or do you also need someone to teach you that!!" I finished with my rant, feeling a little lighter than before.

Only that's when I noticed everyone. Almost everyone on the table were still like a statue and staring at me.
Except San, he was eating his meal while staring between us, looking like the least interested person in the world.

God, how I regret my babling now. Did I said too much? Was I too rude? Was it really hurt in his eyes? I hope not. But did I really hurted him? Shit.
I'm not backing down though. Not yet.

Before I could react to the silence, Seonghwa was out of the room closely followed by Yunho. While Yeosang looked at me a little upset? Hongjoong and Mingi were just silent staring at me. Elora and Athena looked too shocked to speak and were just standing still in their places. And Wooyoung.

In a flash, I was pinned down to my chair with his dagger poking the blood vessels in my neck.
"You. Do. Not. Talk. Like. That. To. Our. Quatermaster." He said pausing between every word while forcing the dagger deeper simultaneously,
"The captain might tolerate it because you have something which we need in our journey but I won't think twice before cutting your neck open and filling our rum jars with your blood."He finshed with his threat and pushed the dagger a little more deeper. I whimpered feeling the warm liquid seeping out slowly.

Shoving me back a little, he pulled his dagger back and left followed by Elora who took Athena with her.


"Believe him, he will." Confirmed Mingi leaving too.

After a moment, Hongjoong stood up shaking his head and said in a dark voice,
"Miss. Golden. Even though you could be useful for us. My crew matters more to me. Wooyoung warned you and that would be your first and last warning. Talk to any of my crew member like that again and you'll be gone." He paused spitting the words at me like daggers and took a deep breath before continuing,
"You're only a guest here for a little time so stay like a guest Miss. Golden. Do not force me to treat you like a stowaway. You'll get your work schedule and the rules and regulations of this ship in an hour so make sure to read it fully." He finished and started to leave.

I felt my knees give up under me and was about to sit when I heard Hongjoong's voice behind me.

"I don't feel like it is fair to just let you go with a threat so as a punishment you'll be sleeping on the open main deck for three days. Am I clear?" He questioned in such a deep voice that even with all the silence in the room, it was hard to catch.

I nodded not feeling the need to get myself in anymore trouble than I already am. Weren't they kind of overreacting though. I didn't did that bad.

"Words, Miss. Golden." He ordered so darkly that I could feel the dark aura radiating off him.

Shit, I fucked up.

"You are clear, Hongjoong." I replied.

"Captain."He said,"It's captain for you."

"Yes. Captain." I muttered. I feel thankful that I wasn't able to see his face right now.

With that he left and now only Yeosang and San were here. The other pirates had already left long ago when they saw their captain motioning them to.

I sat back on my chair with stiffened shoulders and allowed out a long sigh while slamming my head down on the table.

I could hear San eating. I looked up and saw that other plates were full of food. Great.

"You still don't know a lot of people on this ship Golden." Yeosang informed clearly upset, I looked up at him.
"There are different topics which are sensitive for different members. So please, next time think before you speak Golden."

I nodded staring down at my lap, feeling even worse now.

After a moment, Yeosang said something which made me feel horrible for what I said before, "You can't ever take the quatermaster place on this ship. I won't allow you to. And I'm pretty sure that you are more than capable to heal that wound on your neck because of your magic so I'll be leaving with San. Bye Miss. Golden."

It wasn't completely his words which made me feel like crying. It was his tone. This was the first time that he has used such a harsh tone with me and I hate it. I regret it. I regret everything right now.

I could hear them walking away and leaving. And now, I was alone in this room.

Deja-vu. I have been like this before.

Great going Byeol. Only the second day and you messed up already.

Shit, I fucked up.

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