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Yun SeByeol's POV~

"Let's now talk about you Ms. Merchant, shall we?"

I felt the lady beside me stiffen, I looked at her and she was again staring at her lap, her fingers fiddling with each other a little.

She is nervous.

"I won't give you what you want." She finally said with her gentle voice.

Why is everyone here so majestic? Because looking at her a little more closely and carefully right now, she is gorgeous. With dark brown curly hair in a high ponytail which were still reaching her middle vertebrae. I could clearly see her features. She had a high nose and double eyelids, a pale skin and baby blue eyes. She is lovely. Even with a little scar on her chin she is lovely.

If I'm going to stay here for a while, than I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna be friends with these beautiful ladies.

"I don't think you'll have the same opinion when we'll torture you." Wooyoung said sadistically.

Damn bro. Chill.

She stiffened even more beside me if that was even possible. I could literally feel the tension radiating off her.

"You can do whatever you want, I won't give it to you, you monsters!!" Her voice rose in volume as she spoke. "Only I know where the ring is, and if you killed me than you won't find it."

Well, that's a little badass. But what ring?

At this Wooyoung, Yunho and Mingi snickered.

"I don't think you understand who we are, my lady. We can get whatever we want. Even if you die, we'll still be able to find it. We have only kept you because it makes our task simpler."He replied in a sing song tone.

"Than you can kill me because you're not getting anything out of this."The merchant? said back harshly.

At that Wooyoung looked at the captain.
"What do you say captain? Do we feed her to the sharks?"

Even I became nervous at that, even when I knew that I wasn't the topic of their discussion.

Hongjoong stared at the lady and asked,"What's your name?"

A whole minute passed and there was no reply. I think she didn't heard the question.


Yup, understandable. I feel embarassed now after thinking about my own name. Like what do you mean there names are Athena and Elora, while mine is Yun SeByeol. I need an elegant name too.

"What's your name Ms. Clairvoyant?" Hongjoong asked with his eyes on me now.

Oh no!! Do I tell him my real name?!? But that's boring. I need a superb and unique name.

Well done Byeol, well done. Seriously?! Out of all the names in all the worlds, golden?!?! That's so stupid.

Hongjoong and others looked a little confused but didn't questioned my choice of name. Thank god.

"Ms. Athena. We're not here to hurt you. And the only thing we need from you is the way to the place where the ring is hidden. I assure you that after you give us that information than nothing will happen to you. We'll make sure to provide you the facilities to have a good stay for a few weeks and than we'll drop you at the first island we reach. Is it ok Ms. Athena?" Hongjoong talked soo sweetly and gently that I felt like I was listening a lullaby. There was something in his little smile and voice and hazel eyes that soothed and made me believe that whatever he was saying was the truth. Even though I've insomnia, I think I can fall asleep listening to his voice.

Golden CAPTAIN || Ateez *PIRATE AU*Where stories live. Discover now