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Yun SeByeol's POV~

I fluttered my eyes open ever so slowly and noticed that I was in the infirmary, with four people staring at me.


What am I doing here?

"Oh hey Yunho. What are you doing here?" I asked confused to the person who was standing in front of me while sitting up. Feeling a little pain in my back and arms.

I tried to sit up straighter by pulling my legs up but they were restricted by something. I looked at them befuddled.

"Why am I tied?" I asked even more confused now.

No one answered my questions so to see what was happening, I looked up slowly, not to hurt my neck as it was paining too. And what I saw wasn't really a good sight.

Why are they looking at me as if I'm a dog who has rabies?

Yeosang who was standing on my right   with a little distance between us looked like I just disrespected his disgusting medicine and Mingi who was far in the corner looked like he was trying to get absorbed by it and be one with it. Elora looked closed to horrified and worried. While Yunho looked frozen with some sweat dripping off his forehead. He looked concerned too.

What's happening? Is everything okay?

"Hey Golden." Yeosang talked first while taking careful and hesitant steps closer to me. "How are you feeling?"

Huh? Why is he asking me that? I feel alright except the fact that my body was hurting and my head was pounding really hard.

"I am okay." I answered still puzzled, "What happened? Why are my legs tied Yeosang? Don't tell me that you are going to cut them off and cook it. I mean I know you like chicken, who knows maybe you'll like that too." I joked trying to lighten the atmosphere a little. It was too tense amd suffocatiing.

But it looked like no one finds it funny. They all still had really serious expressions on. Mingi was standing a little closer now still scared? Why does he look scared?

Yunho answered this time with another question, "You don't remember what happened Lady Golden?"

Ofcourse not. That's why I'm asking puppy.

I slowly shaked my head which felt like someone was hammering it now. I felt tired. I needed to sleep. What was happening?

Yeosang and Yunho slowly and carefully sat on the two chairs beside my bed while Elora and Mingi were standing on a feet distance from the bed perplexed now.

"Sleep Golden. You are tired. We will talk about this tomorrow when you are more calm and fresh. You need to rest. I will give you a medicine for the headache I think you are having and Yunho open the ropes." Yeosang said also ordering Yunho.

"Are you sure surgeon?" Asked Mingi scared.

Yeosang just nodded, still with his eyes on me, scanning my face carefully for what. I wasn't aware.

"I am completely fine Yeosang. I need to know what happened." I demanded in a voice which didn't sounded like mine.

It sounded so exhausted, even my body was worn out. But I needed to know what the hell happened which had them so scared and confused. I really needed to know. The last thing I remember was healing Jin. I have no idea what happened after that.

"It is alright Golden. You don't need to worry about that right now. I promise we will sort things out tomorrow but first you really need to be in good physical and mental condition which I can see you are not in right now so it's okay."He assured while handling me the same purple disgusting medicine, "I'll send you your dinner here so you don't need to get up. Just drink this and try to have some sleep."

Golden CAPTAIN || Ateez *PIRATE AU*Where stories live. Discover now