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Yun SeByeol's POV~

Yeosang was almost done with whatever he was doing and now its already past afternoon.

Looking out the window at the sea.

"Its going to rain soon." I said.

I heard Yeosang laugh a little from the other side, near the books. "What are you talking about? It's hot outside and the sun is fully on show." He said.

Well, we'll see how long the sun will stay out.

"Lets go now and meet the captain. The others must also be with him right now. Thats only if the women was be being uncooperative."

"Yeh, lets go." I said a little nervous.
I was excited and nervous both to meet the other members. I don't know what to expect.

I felt around for my dagger and liquid and thank god they were still intact. I was wearing my glasses too so that made me feel a little better.

Walking out the room, I didn't found anyone.

"They are on the other side of the ship." Yeosang informed.

It took us like 1 minute to reach there. And wow.

The scene was horrifying.

A women tied to a chair with 5 man and one more women around her in a circle. And some more pirates a little far from the group. I think the other pirates must be busy cleaning and repairing the ship.

As we walked closer. One of them noticed us. Awwwwwwwww. My puppy. Yunho.
He first looked at Yeosang and than his eyes fall on me. They were a beautiful shade of dark brown. I felt captivated. His eyes were wide though. I wonder why?

Yeosang motioned him to stay quiet and he nodded.

I heard the conversation a little, which was taking place.

"You know what we need Miss. So kindly, just give it to us. We've been treating you nicely and even introduced ourselves already. What else do you need to cooperate with us? " Wooyoung asked tiredly with his back facing me.

Awww my babygirl.
But is tying someone on a chair nice in his vocabulary, I wonder.

Suddenly he turned around and made eye contact with me and I froze.

Blue. He had blue eyes with a little long black hair with blue highlights at the bottom. He looked gorgeous. He looked a little stunned too.

"Oh look who we have here captain, a stowaway." He snickered loudly.

All eyes were on me now. I don't know what to feel about this situation.

I was trying so damn hard right now not to let my fangirl out, after getting all of their attention and to say or do stuff which will make me look like a complete weirdo. Like I was doing now.

Having such a big smile on my face that I could feel my cheeks hurt.


I'm feeling amazing. I'm loving this attention. My grandmother would be so disappointed right now.

"Yeosang, who is she?" Hongjoong asked in a deep, serious tone.

Wow. He. Has. A. MULLET!!!!!!?!?!?! And a BLONDE one?!?!?

Goddamn. I stared at him with wide eyes and I can guarantee that they are shining right now. I mean you can't blame me. I love his mullet era.

"Before anyone of you say or do something, she is my patient. And I don't want any one of you to hurt her." Angel said in a final tone and mostly pointedly staring at Seonghwa.
Oh my god.
"Seonghwa!!!" I almost screamed with a smile on my face. He was gorgeous. He looked deadly. A full mixture of the devil and the god. He looks majestic with his black bangs falling over his one black eye, hiding it a little and the other beautiful grey eye was visible, that side had a little undercut. He looked like the satan himself with that deadly and serious look in his eyes and the outfit he was wearing. Chef's kiss. He looked like a grimreaper. I just hope it's not my soul he's after.

"Who are you? And how do you know him?" Wooyoung asked.
I quickly looked at Yeosang for help but seeing him curious too. What do I do now?!

"I saw you, you were on my ship." Said the tied women all of a sudden, "My crew found you fainted in the ocean floating so we took you with us."

Oh well, I didn't knew that. I've seen her somewhere though, in my own world. I don't remember clearly but whatever.

"Cool." I said.

Well, well look who we have here, a clown and yes that clown is me. Because now they all are staring at me like I'm stupid.

Suddenly it started raining. The sun was still out but a little hidden behind few clouds now. I see my intuition was right.

"Tie her up." Yeosang ordered.
What the hell?!!?! Nooooo. That traitor!!!
Fuck!!!?!?! Noooooo, not my angel. I stared at him in shock and panick. Suddenly I felt hands on my arms from behind, pulling me to a chair. I tried to turn around and punch or kick him or literally anything but this person was too strong.

"No!! Let me explain!!" I said panicking.

This was not happening. They are gonna kill me.

In just 1 minute I was tied to a chair and was all wet now. Oh wait, we all were.
Damn, that person was strong.

They all stared at me like I'm a witch who is going to show her real face and burn this ship down any second.

I'm not loving this attention anymore.

The only good thing about this situation was that now my outfit was blood free and that I didn't felt too stinky.

"Explain." Yeosang ordered.


"Uhm well" I started, what should I say. I have no idea. Do I tell the truth? I don't think they'll believe me. Does this world even have any magic?

"We don't have all day my lady. Its raining and we all don't want to catch a cold now, do we?" Wooyoung asked.

Well tell this to your friend who just ordered to tie me up.

"How did you know that it's going to rain?"Yeosang asked once more.

Well, I guess I'll just go with the truth.

"I'm a Clairvoyant" I said unsure,"I mean kind of?"

Suddenly, there were a lot of snickers around me and Wooyoung wasn't even trying to hide it. He was laughing as if I just told him a joke of the century.

Well, it looks like they won't believe me.

"Explain." Hongjoong said so seriously that I believe if I don't do what he said than he'll bury me 6 feet under.

So I did.

"I can feel when it's danger near or when something bad is going to happen. I can't tell what is going to happen though. And I can also tell when the weather is going to change. It is a little hard to explain. And I know you're not going to believe me but I can do a little magic too." I concluded.

There was silence for a minute. I looked around and noticed on my right that Yeosang was thinking something, on his left Wooyoung was trying hard not to laugh. In front of me, Hongjoong also looked deep in thought while on his left, a little far behind, Seonghwa had so much distrust in his eyes that it almost hurted me. Than on my left I saw the other lady tied staring at me confused. Yunho on the left of Hongjoong also had a same expression. I can't see the people behind my back reaction's but I know that they also don't trust me.

"She is saying the truth Captain." I turned to the voice coming from my left, "I saw her using the magic to heal Yeosang." Mingi said.

"Heal?!?Yeosang?!What happened to him?!? Did she hurt him?!?" Wooyoung asked panicking and a little serious now.

"She did." Mingi informed.
Well, fuck?

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