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Yun SeByeol's POV~

I was at the dining area right now. God, was I hungry. Hungry would be an understatement. I was starving. Staying awake most of the night and only being able to sleep for 4 hours, I was a little grumpy too. After that smile last night, I left after just few minutes. I wonder if Jongho had any sleep. He wasn't here right now though so I assumed that he is sleeping.

"Did you had a good night sleep, Golden?" Yeosang asked me with a warm smile.

How is he so smiley even in the morning.

I tried to give him a smile back but that only turned into a yawn.

"Yeh, not bad. I'm still a little sleepy though." I answered.

Should I ask him for any medicine for insomnia? I should. But not here, I don't want everybody to know. The more the people know, The more questions will arise and I'm not ready to answer them yet. I'll ask him alone, later.

"Alright, that's good. You can sleep again after lunch. We won't have much work that time." Yeosang suggested.

"God, you are so sweet Yeosang. Turn it down a little." I said chuckling.

Though, his face got a little colour at that, he looked confused.

"What should I turn down?"He questioned tilting his head cutely.

Awwwwwwww, he's a baby.

I laughed at his confused expression, "Nothing, nothing." I said, "And yes, I'll probably sleep after lunch."

He nodded with another warm smile.

He than resumed his conversation with Yunho.

There were only 3 members here right now. I heard, others will be here any minute.

I turned to my left and found Mingi with his head on the table with a glass filled with wine or rum? I'm not sure.

"Drinking early in the morning, Mingi?" I asked.

"Yes and?"He questioned back.

Grumpy much?

"Hey! Talk to Lady Golden nicely you big oaf." Retorted Yunho.

Mingi grumbled at that and raised his head up from the table with a conspicuous scowl.

"I can talk to her however I want. She's not a princess or a glass that she'll break easily. And I'm not talking to you big foot. Am I?" Mingi recountered harshly.

"It doesn't matter if I'm not the one you're talking to. Lady Golden is a women too. And you better treat her with respect.You have no right to talk to her like that. And why are you even so grumpy? I already apologised for eating your fish. What else do you want me to do?!?" Yunho asked agitated.

"That was my fish, you beanpole. And you ate it without even asking me. How could you do that to me?! WHAT ABOUT MY MORAL TRUST?!? I TRUSTED YOU YUNHOE!!"

I flinched a little at Mingi's loud voice.


"DUMB?!? DID YOU JUST CALLED MY FISH DUMB?!?" Mingi shouted even louder with walking towards Yunho.

Before he could reach him, Wooyoung was inbetween them, stopping Mingi from crushing Yunho and pushed him a little back to his place.

When did he even got here? I looked around and saw all of the pirates in the room watching us. Elora and Athena were here too.

"Calm down guys. Calm down. Already fighting early in the morning. Take a break. Let's first have our breakfast than you guys can fight." Wooyoung said laughing and sat beside Mingi who has again putted his head on the table grumpily.

Golden CAPTAIN || Ateez *PIRATE AU*Where stories live. Discover now