Chapter 10

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"A-Ah... I don't have a car. I'd just texted my friend. He's on the way..." He brush his hair and can't look at me in the eyes.

I frowned. I thought it was just the two of us. Why is there a third wheel? He's no fun. I will consider as a date already if it's just the two of us. But my smile appear suddenly when I saw him in my peripheral vision that he is looking at me. I force a sweet smile and met his vision.

My smile faded when his brow just furrowed at my expression like he was confuse of it. I faked a cough and glares in the air.

"Ok lang ba sayo na may isang kasama pa tayo?" He ask calmly while looking directly at me waiting for my respond.

Of course not! I don't want that! But of course I didn't utter that.

"Sure, no problem at all." I responded even it's against my will.

Gosh?! Who would want that? A third wheel for your first ever date with your crush?! Oh, it wasn't date, I tend to forgot that. He was just concerned to me that something bad might to happen to me. That's why he will drove me home. But still, he cares. But I don't get it why he suddenly became concerned to me. What happen to him? Why does the wind seem to blow in different direction?

He loathed me but suddenly he acts like he care for me right now? It's not right, right? How can it would be? Something's were off. My heart ached when I started to reminisce how he treated be back then. There's must be a reason why he acted like that. And I need to find out that.

While I was occupied with my thoughts, I didn't realize that a car stopped in front of me. I'd just notice it when someone open the door. A morena guy wearing a black sweatshirt with his narrow eye glasses came out from the car. My eyes blinked, if Michael were stern and stoic and look cold but this man is ten times colder.

My mouth parted, his brow were shut like he don't want to start any conversation at all. There is a one word to describe him. He is suplado in tagalog. I think you would regret talking to him if you would dare to. My mouth parted more when he didn't even took a glance at my direction. His forehead creased and took a steps like he was bored. 

Michael saw my shock face so he didn't take off his eyes from me even they were talking. Gosh! No wonder why Michael is also suplado! It's because his friends were also suplado like him.

"Are you okay, Trianah?" Michael asked in the middle of their reaction the reason his friend also look at me with his poker face.

There, I already got Michael's suplado friend  attention. I cleared my throat, their stares makes me uncomfortable.

"I-I a-m fine..." I said and quickly looked away after uttering it.

Why I am even shuttering? It's not like I did something wrong, right? I sigh loudly and glares that the two look at me again. I immediately lower my brows that raising and replace it with my soft expression. What the heck, Trianah? What are you doing? Are you really going to sabotage yourself?

"Sorry talaga sa abala, Lev." I heard Michael saying that.

The man he called Lev just nodded at him. Upon their talks that's only thing I heard from them. Well, I'm not interested at all. Liar. Of course  you just want to leave a good impression to his friend. I shrugged off my thoughts away. Gosh I'm crazy talking to myself inside my head. I tilted my head. I really lost my sanity. What would Michael think if he know this?

"Btw Lev, this is Trianah. For sure you know her." My eyes glistened when finally Michael able to introduce me to his friend.

"Uh.. Trianah Hope Antonio. But you can call me Tria for short." I introduce myself excitedly and raise my hand in the air for a shake hands but Michael held my hand that made my face heated.

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