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HER FOREHEAD RESTED against the cool wooden desk

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HER FOREHEAD RESTED against the cool wooden desk. Her eyes felt heavier than anything she'd ever lifted before. The soft tunes of Elton John were playing in her headphones, almost lulling her to sleep. If it hadn't been for the textbook that slammed onto her desk, she might have asleep. Her body shot up, her wide eyes meeting her teacher's.

"Miss Moon," he spoke with a disapproving glare, "save your sleep for the nighttime." She muttered an apology, giving him a thumbs up as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Pulling one of her headphones out, she rested her chin against her fist and attempted to pretend to listen to his lecture on the Vietnam War.

Her eyes slowly fell once again, heavy with exhaustion. The night before had kicked her ass. That new kid had really knocked it out of her. But soon, she'd be able to rest. Put her suit in her closet and never think about it again. Then she wouldn't have to go nights without sleep. She could focus on applying for colleges and what her major could be. Not on fixing the abundant evils of the city. It was too big a job for an eighteen year old.

"...So pick your partners." Was all she heard before barely opening her eyes. She began mentally counting people in the class, praying there was an uneven number of people so she could be left alone. She wouldn't have to rely on anyone else to get her a good grade. Whatever she got, she couldn't blame it on someone else. Maybe some divine source that wished to see her fail. But not another being. "Anyone not have a partner?"

She raised her free hand, barely lifting her elbow off of the desk, barely visible. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see another student raise their hand. A wave of annoyance washed over her. "Well, I guess that's sorted." The teacher smiled as he began gathering his handouts. He began passing them out to each student, pointing out the subject written at the top of the paper. When he approached her, he gave her a smile. "Can't let you work alone all the time, Moon." With that, he handed her the packet with 'Kent State' written in the corner. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she rubbed her eyes, not caring about the two-day-old mascara she smeared under her eyes.

The desk next to her scooted closer as her new partner took his seat next to her. "We, uh... I guess we're partners." He spoke, stuttering over his words.

"So I've heard." She mumbled against her hands. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed and pass out. Maybe take a Benadryl and stay asleep. Sleep through her patrol and everything. The city didn't need her every night. Maybe she could take a vacation. A night off. A discretionary day, if you will.

Her hand on the packet slid it towards him, not bothering to remove the hand that held her head up. He gently took the packet and began looking it over. "I'm Y/N, by the way."

"I know..." She muttered, idly noting that something was... off about him.

"Okay," he breathed as he slowly nodded, "Kent State, that's, uh... pretty heavy." She hummed in response. He could see her eyes slowly closing again as exhaustion hit her full force. Pulling out his notebook and textbook, he flipped the book to the 70s. As he took down notes, he didn't notice her cheek slowly sliding off of her hand. Her forehead slammed into the desk with a thud, shocking both of them. "Oh, my God. Are you okay?"

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