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"FLASH, FUCK OFF." She glared at the blond boy. Rolling her eyes, she crossed her arms over her chest. The elbow nudge against her side did little to relax her as she argued with Hector's best friend. "What do you gain from being an asshole to them? L/N isn't doing anything."

His eyes narrowed at her. "You fuckin' him or somethin'?"

In the corner of her eye she could see Hector cover his mouth to stifle a laugh. Her jaw clenched tightly. "Real fuckin' funny, Flash. You should be a comedian. Clearly your basketball career won't be taking off anytime soon."

He raised his middle finger at her, rolling his eyes. She was glad to match his energy with a middle finger of her own.

"Flash! Cervantez! C'mon, we need you!" Their teammates called out. Both of them sighed. Hector gave Cindy a smile before jogging off to the court and joining the game. A small smile grew on her lips as she leaned back on the bleachers. "Run it, Reggie!" One of them shouted. "Hector's open!" Another shouted.

Flash jumped up, hitting the ball out of a player's hands. The ball rolled, knocking over a bucket of blue paint onto the sign a girl had been painting. She scoffed as she stood up. "You did that on purpose, Flash!" She shouted at him as a glare filled her eyes. The ball came to a halt when Cindy's foot caught it.

"No, but I should've. Better watch your back." A cocky smirk grew on his lips.

By now, Y/N's attention had been fully drawn to the problem transpiring in front of them. He watched Hector jog over to the girl, picking up the bucket and apologizing for his friend. He flashed a small smile before making his way to Cindy to get the ball. Always the kind one, Y/N thought, but never kind enough to call his friend out on his bullshit.

He approached the girl, offering her a smile. "You alright?" As he asked, the ball was flung towards her again. Without looking back, his hand caught the ball. Cindy's eyebrows furrowed. Good reflexes maybe? Maybe from being a skater?

"Give it up, L/N." Flash practically snapped as he walked towards him. The gym watched with anticipation for another fight between the two. Even Hector stepped forward a little, ready to break something up.

"One sec." He called, holding his camera out to the girl. With that, he turned towards Flash and took a couple steps forward. "Why don't you take it from me?" He held the ball out with one hand. As Flash reached out for it, Y/N switched hands lightning fast.

Oh... oh, fuck. Cindy's eyes began to widen. Her suspicions, for once in her life, had been correct.

Flash reached for it again, only for Y/N to pretend to toss it behind him. When he turned around, he bounced the ball off of Flash's back. A few students chuckled, almost amazed at his movements.

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