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The keypad's wires sparked quietly as Spider-Woman hanged from the ceiling and fiddled with them.

Was it the green wire? No... then it had to be—


The doors mechanics made a tiny sound unrecognizable to the ordinary human ear, but as you know, Spider-Woman was anything but ordinary.

"You can hack stuff too?" Spider-Man asked, slowly descending from the ceiling with his own web, stopping right beside her, "There anything you can't do?"

"Get Mr. Miller to like me." She replied dryly.

"That would mean that he likes anyone." He grinned underneath his mask as he dropped to the floor and slipped through the door, Spider-Woman followed.

"Can you believe he gave us a B- on our project?" Spider-Woman asked, brow furrowing as she brought it up.

He shrugged, "Eh, I'll take it over a C."

They took to the ceiling and crawled through the facility. Even at night, the exhibits were still active. The boy underneath the Spider-Man mask found himself being bored to death with the numerous artificial voices toting scientific breakthroughs that surpassed his comprehension. The intricate details of Oscorp's achievements became a symphony of unfamiliar terms and complex concepts hurt his head.

They neared the entrance to a ventilation system, Y/N shot a web and pulled the grate off.

"Ladies first," he gestured to Silk.

"Nice to know chivalry isn't dead." Her voice bounced off the vent's walls as he followed her inside.

He looked anywhere but forward. Get it? Cause Silk's butt was in front of him.



What the...? Not again...

Cue the increase in heart rate and blush under his mask. And—and also... that humming thing again?

It felt stronger this time, like it was insisting on staying. Which was weird, because the totally logical part of him felt automatically prompted to cough, and try to do away with the sensation—while another made him feel like he shouldn't do anything, and just let it happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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