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HE HUMMED SOME Beastie Boys song as he skipped forward

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HE HUMMED SOME Beastie Boys song as he skipped forward. Despite the days' events, he still felt good. He'd finally had a decent talk with Gwen that didn't go up in flames - had he technically asked her out?

A day off of school. The school wasn't fining them for the backboard. And he could finally show up and show Silk - err, Cindy - how much he'd improved.

He'd practiced until the late, late hours. Almost sunrise. He'd gotten web-swinging down to a science. He liked to think he'd surprise her with his cool new tricks and she'd probably be willing to show some of her own.

Maybe it was because he was keeping his suit underneath his textbooks in his backpack. Or maybe because of his new powers in general. Whatever the case maybe, one thing was for sure, it made him more confident.

When he left his house and spilled onto the streets, it was like a whole new air surrounded him. He felt like any social challenge could be beaten now.

It was friggin' sweet.

He gripped the strap of his backpack tight as he made his way towards the old factory. The lights were on, he could see it from a small window near the roof. A small smile grew on his lips. He almost felt a small sense of freedom that she knew he was Spider-Man, and that he knew she was Silk.

It was like having a friend in a class - now you had someone with something in common. You didn't have to tackle it all on your own.

Thinking more on Cindy, he thought about Uncle Eddie and how much he'd loved the girl. After he got home, all Eddie did was talk about how polite and kind Cindy had been. He'd told Y/N to invite her over for dinner soon. And he'd planned on doing so. After all, she'd shown him how to strengthen up his powers. Before he'd met her as Silk, he was unskilled and weak, but now he could hold himself up on his webs.

He pushed the door to the factory open. Cindy and the man sitting in front of her stiffened. The man pulled his mask up quickly, his eyes widening at the sight of Y/N. "It's fine," she told him, not bothering to look back, "it's our Spider-Boy." She turned to him, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the desk. The man pulled his mask down, revealing a younger teenager around their age. Y/N was quite frankly surprised. "What the hell are you doing here, L/N?"

 "What the hell are you doing here, L/N?"

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