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"YOU HEAR THIS bull about some kind of lizard monster lurking around the city?" Dale's voice quivered as he breathed in the cold air of a particularly chilly 2AM job

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"YOU HEAR THIS bull about some kind of lizard monster lurking around the city?" Dale's voice quivered as he breathed in the cold air of a particularly chilly 2AM job. The previous nights weren't nearly this cold and he wasn't remotely dressed for the situation.

Jess, the guard that stood right next to him, had actually checked the forecast beforehand and was dressed appropriately in a large dark blue jacket. Her voice subsequently lacked the quiver.

"Just Jameson freaking out about nothing as usual." She shook her head gently, long wavy auburn hair below her hat flopping in the breeze. It almost matched with the gentle crash of nearby waves. "Just an alarmist looking for anything to whinge about, and in all these years he's somehow never noticed what we—"

"Shhhh!" Dale brought a finger up to his cold lips and shushed his partner suddenly, fear visible in his eyes. He glanced to a nearby pallet of construction materials, the logo for Fisk Construction clearly visible.

Jess rolled her eyes and sighed. "No one's here, jackass. Just us and," she motioned towards a large shipping container behind her, patiently waiting for the pick up crew to arrive. "Our little friends." Small noises could be heard inside the container, hundreds of tiny little patters, so light Dale could only hear them now that his attention was called back to the container.

"Our employer," Dale began. Jess scoffed, this man didn't even want to say his name like that would even make a difference. "Has eyes and ears everywhere, and would prefer operations are kept confidential. I know you're new to this, but..." Dale's eyes darted to the ground, cold hands shoved in his pockets. "I've seen some things."

A sudden CLANG in the dark made him snap to attention. He immediately pulled out his concealed revolver, painted with an orange tip to make it seem fake, and pointed it in the direction of the noise. It sounded like it came from the direction of a nearby dark alley.

Jess didn't look amused and scoffed. "If you're going to be that jumpy maybe I should be the one who's armed."

"Go check that out!" His eyes were bulging in their sockets. He waved his gun towards the noise as if she didn't hear the noise herself.

"Excuse me?"

"Our employer wants at least one of us at our post at all times, I'm the one who's armed, you do the scouting!" He whispered shouted with a hiss.

"Just because a rat or some bum knocked a barrel over?" Rather than move, she opted to sit down. Leaning back in her seat, she rested her hands on the back of her head.

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