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Y/N COULD BARELY see in the darkness

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Y/N COULD BARELY see in the darkness. The only source of light beamed down from the open grate above him.

Even underneath his puffer jacket and hoodie, his body still got chills. His sneakers and jeans were drenched at the ankles. Unbeknownst to him, underneath the mask, an expression of fear was on his face.

He scanned the tunnel to the best of his ability until his eyes rested upon a human shaped figure faced away from him. It was standing directly in the sewage, flowing up nearly to its ankles as its body shook, almost like it was sobbing. Its large chest rose and fell heavily, taking in deep, short breaths.

The odd, uncomfortable feeling in the back of Y/N's head started to flair up ever so slightly as she carefully stepped closer to the figure in the dark. Something about it seemed familiar. He reached out his right hand, slowly and carefully. "Dr. Connors?" He whispered.

With an inhuman screech the figure whipped around, and Y/N's throb in the back of his head grew much tighter as he saw it's red and blue, mixed and inhuman eyes glow in what little light there was. The face looked nearly human but was covered in green-gray glistening scales. As it opened its mouth, the tongue that came out was long and forked.

"Geeeet... OUT!" It bolted towards him with a deep, throaty roar as Y/N's warning tingle grew to a fever pitch. He froze, and only just barely managed to jump out of the way. Barely. One long claw caught the side of his thigh, and searing pain told him it had been gashed open.

The creature disappeared into the darkness, and Y/N very heavily considered getting the hell out of the sewer. Whatever this was, how could he possibly handle it? He was a High School Senior who's top worry should be Prom...

"What did you do with Dr. Connors!?" Y/N screamed into the dark.

He could hear wet, heavy footsteps. The creature hadn't left, it was still moving in the darkness. Waiting for him, watching for his next move.

He tried his best to relax himself, breathing out a heavy sigh as he listened for the footsteps, listened to the tingle in the back of his head. The creature wouldn't hide from him, not for long...

The tingle gripped his skull as the creature didn't bother to hide, jumping out of the darkness directly for him with a loud, guttural roar. He froze in fear and shock for a precious half of a second, just barely springing out of the monster's rampaging path. It reached the wall and kept going, climbing up as easily as he could.

Trying his best to think fast, he shot out his webbing at the creature. Both strands hit, and it screeched as he struggled to hold it. "I didn't think this through..." He muttered under his breath as he pulled the creature off the wall and back to the wet ground.

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