Chapter 1 -Meet Isabelle-

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*Isabelle's POV*

"Isabelle, hurry up if you want to go look for some apartments!" "I'm coming mom!" I am 19 years old and have been out of high school for two years, I am starting college in a couple of months at Ohio State University. My mom and I have been looking for apartments recently so that I can stay in a little closer to the school. After we're done. today we are leaving to go to Wolverhampton in the UK. I used to live there until my dad was offered a promotion here, in the states, so we're going to visit family there(my accent has worn off through the years). I moved to Ohio when I was in the sixth grade, so I probably won't remember any of my old friends. As we were looking for apartments, we came across a nice, little house for rent, my mom then called the owners to see how much it would cost a year, and if I could rent it for four years. When my mom was finished talking she hung up and looked immediately happy and gave me the thumbs up and told me it was in my budget. "YAY!!!!!!!!" I squealed. Once we got home my dad had our bags put in the car and was ready to leave for the airport. When we got to the airport we had twenty minutes until the plane was boarding, I looked around and saw a poster with a boy band called 'One Direction' on it, when I was done studying their faces I realized that the boy with the really short hair looked vaguely familiar.

*12 years earlier*

"But liiiaamm! Can you please push me on the swing....Pleeasse!!" the little girl yelled. there were two kids about 6 years old in a small park. "but I don't want to.." 'Liam' said, "come and race down the slides with me" "now come on you two lets go home and have lunch" the lady said watching them. as she gathered the toys we brought.

*Present time*

When I shook the thought of me knowing him, our flight was now boarding. After we gave the lady our tickets we boarded the plane, our seats were no where near each other so I had to sit by a complete stranger. Great *note the sarcasm* . When I found my seat I was sitting next to a boy about my age, with curly hair and the most greenest eyes I have ever seen! Then I stuck my hand out and said "hi, my name is Isabelle, but you can call me Bella." What the hay might as well start a conversation, right or this will be a long trip. Then he said " my name is, um uhh, Harr-Harald, uh, Trugger." "Well nice to meet you Harald." I said, but really I'm not dumb, might not be the brightest but not dumb, considering he was sweating and couldn't remember his name he was either lying or had serious mental issues. But, probably lying. Then I realized that he was one of the boys from the One Direction poster, so that's why he was lying about his name.... Then I slowly drifted asleep. Until I got a text from my 21 year old sister, Riley saying,

-Riley- Hey I'm at grandmas house already can't wait to see ya!

-me- ok we'll be there in about 4 hours

-Riley- K see ya then!

Then I guess my text tone woke up 'Harald' when he said, " who are you textin'"he said in the most cheesiest voice and a cheeky smile. " oh, just my sister Riley" I said and showed him a picture of her "you guys look nothing alike!" "I know!" " so where are you going when we get to the UK?" "Wolverhampton, what about you?" "Cheshire" he said, and why do I love British accents so much when I used to have one?!?! *skip rest of plane ride* Once we got off the plane 'Harald' gave me his number to give to Riley. She's a lonely bird she'll be excited. When I met up with my parents my aunt was waiting to pick us up, I forgot about his phone number when I went to open the car door and almost dropped it. My aunt was practically bombarding us with questions the whole ride 'home'. Once we got 'home' I said hello to everyone then went to the kitchen with Riley. When I have her his number she was asking me who this was I said " Harald Trugger, but if you ask me he looks like one of the boys from 1D." " which one?!?" " the one with curly hair" "oh so Harry Styles" " yeah, I guess so." Then we go and talk with the family some more.






I know the chapter was short but will get longer and better :) 


HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!

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