Chapter 11

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Niall POV

Riley and I's date went great, if by great I mean saying a total of 5 words to each other. It felt like I was dating my sister, imagine dating one of your OWN siblings, weird right? We may have talked to the waiter more than each other. He was pretty funny and a little gay, he gave me his phone number. I was kind of creeped out just a little from that.

~1 day later~

Harry POV

Tonight's the night me and Riley were supposed to go to the movies but the sky was black. I turned on the weather channel and seeing there are tornado watches and a thunder storm a mile away. I decided to call Riley and Izzy up to watch some movies. I found the phone and dialed their phone number 'ring.....ring....ring....ring....ring' just before I decided to hang up, Izzy answered. "Hello?" "Hi, it's Harry andIwaswonderingifyouabdRileywouldcomeovertowatchaomemovies?" "Wait, what? Slow down." I was wondering if you and Riley would come over to watch some movies?" "Yeah, sure what time?" "6:30?" "K, see ya then!" I told the boys what's going on and I swear Louis can not ale anything seriously.


"Fine Louis we can have a sleep over" Liam said.

My face must have been tomato red, both Zayn and Niall were on the ground laughing and pointing at me. Wow I have such mature friends.

~45min later~

it is 6:15 now and we have all taken showers and are dressed, the girls should be here anytime now.

'Ding dong'

"we're here!" Izzy said in a sing-songy voice.

I ran to the door letting them in, saying hello and smiling.

"What movies are we going to watch?" Izzy asked.

"Uhh... I thought we could each rent one." I answered.

"K, what are we waiting for?!" She yelled.

We piled into the van and headed to the video rental place scattering through the store finding movies.

I secretly ran to the romance movies finding The Note Book. I headed back to the check out counter paying for the 1 night rental and waiting on the car. 10 minutes later everyone returned with a movie and we drove back to the house deciding who will go first.

"I want to go first! Please?! Please?!" Louis shouted the whole way home. His movie was Mr. Deeds, an Adam Sandler movie.

Once we got home we looked at each movie, each one of us wanted to go first so we took a vote. On the top of the page it said:

|No voting for own movie!!!:)

|(In Tallies)

| Riley- Les miserables; NO!

| Harry- The Note Book; ||

| Liam- Toy Story; |

| Louis- Mr. Deeds; |||

| Izzy<3's food more than.

| Niall- Lion King; ||

"So we'll watch Mr. Deeds first." Zayn said, he and Niall didn't pick out a movie.

"K, then mine!" Izzy yelled.

"IZZY YOU DO NOT LIKE FOOD MORE THAN ME!!" "YES I DO NIALL!" Yep my friends are very mature.

Izzy POV

We watched Mr. Deeds and during the Note Book I called a pizza man. Once he got here I went to the kitchen to set the pizza on the counter. "Can I talk to you?" It was Liam, he must have followed me to the kitchen. "Yeah, what is it?" "Did you use to live in Wolverhampton?"

"Yeah, I moved to America before the 6th grade." "Do you remember me?" He asked. "I think we went to school together and were best friends, you could say." "Yeah, I thought so there was a picture of me and you on my 10th birthday, you were the only one who came." "Yeah, I remember." I responded. "You know when I was younger I had a crush on you." He mumbled. I didn't know what to say, so I walked up to him and gave him a hug. Since he was taller he kissed the top of my head. I love him....wait what no I don't he's my best friend. After the Note Book Harry left to go to the store.

We were all 18 or over so Harry got some beer bottles, we may have had a little too much. I walked, well my way into the kitchen grabbing some pizza out of the fridge. I felt a pair of arms snake around me, my drunk brain thinking it was Liam turned around to kiss him, it soon turning into a full on make out session. After a whole 5 minutes we heard two voices getting closer. Of course we didn't care we were drunk. "What the h*ll are you two doing?!" Liam and Riley yelled at us. Wait Liam?! I pushed who ever I was kissing away from me turning on the lights. I WAS KISSING HARRY?! THE PERSON MY SISTER LOVES?! ALSO RIGHT IN FRONT OF LIAM THE ONE WHO JUST ADMITTED THAT HE HAS A CRUSH ON ME?! This is not good I am a terrible person. Of course they are going to remember this because they didn't drink. My life officially sucks.


Cliff hanger!!!! Writing next chapter right now

@Paynie23 I took your idea and twisted it around a little.....or a lot I hope you like it.

Do You Remember? *Liam Payne Fan-fic*-not on hold but not very frequent updates.-.Where stories live. Discover now