chapter 5

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the warmth of the morning sunshine kissed my exposed skin. the light gently shown behind my eyelids, causing slight fluttering from them.

my e/c eyes drowsily forced themselves open, the lack of use making my vision blurry. i blinked the tiredness out of my eyes, clearing my sight.

the first thing i was met with was the medium brown, wooden ceiling. i tilted my head down to get a better view of the room i was in.

with tall wooden walls matching the ceiling, the room had the full sized bed that i rested on and a wooden dresser on the parallel wall to the bed.

a small nightstand sat besides the bed, carrying a table lamp and other random objects.

posters of music seemingly intentionally covered damaged parts of the wall. it looked as if it was chopped with some type of blade.

random clothes and few pieces of trash scattered the hardwood floor. the room smelled of campfire smoke and a bit of sweat,

the kinda sweat of a teenage boy who spent too much of his time bed rotting.

"where am i...?" i muttered to myself in slight confusion.

the feeling of the two blankets layered on myself slightly relaxed my senses, being the one touching me seemingly soft while the one on top made of a thin material.

i pushed my arms to make my upper body sit up on the bed. i tried to slide off the bed but my left leg began making an painful throbbing.

with concern filling my thoughts, i quickly peeled off the sheets that covered my body.

the cool room air pinched my skin that was now seemingly discolored. wrapped on my leg, bloodied bandages circled my left thigh.

my memory slowly started flooding in; the kidnapping, being locked up, me attacking masky,

his revenge...

it was all too much. flashes from last night shown in my mind.

unknowingly, tears prickled my eyes. my fingers gently traced the wraps of bloodied bandages as my mind drifted.

time felt as if it stopped, just me alone in my own world.

i snapped myself out of it. i can't cry now, at least not yet. as a distraction, i focused on my location.

it was obvious that it was one of the guys' room, or at least *a* guy.

i scanned around the room for clues as who it could be until my gaze fell on a certain orange pair of goggles.

i let out a quiet breath of relief now knowing who it belongs to, thankful i wasn't in masky's.

speaking of which, where are they? i sighed softly. i'd much rather be in their room than with them.

out of curiosity, and to kill time, i began carefully looking around the room from my spot on the bed.

besides the permanent damage done by the goggled boy, the room was pretty cozy.

one particular poster interested me, it was an old 80' themed slasher. it had become a comfort movie for me over the years, it never truly scared me either.

i remember the late nights i'd stay up watching the movie in my room, wrapped up in my heavy blankets and stuffed animals.

i sighed softly, i really miss my room.

catching me off guard, the gold-laced doorknob rattles slightly, indicating someone was about to come in.

without a second thought, i threw the covers back on my body and turned onto my side, facing away from the door to fake my sleep.

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