chapter 6

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my eyelids fluttered themselves open, still soaked in tiredness.

confusion my e/c eyes glanced around the room rapidly. i had almost forgot where i was.

my body was in an entirely different position then when i had first fallen asleep. i laid on my back rather than halfway on my stomach.

the entire room was dark, nothing but the faint moonlight shining through the thin curtains lit up the room.

"fuck...what time is it?" i muttered under my breath, only for my ears to hear. i lifted the sheets that rested comfortably on my body.

a cool gush of air rushed onto my newly exposed skin, sending goosebumps on my limbs.

i sat myself up lazily, my e/c eyes still blinking the sleep out of themselves.

with my eyes fully adjusted, i glanced over at the door. it was shut and, i assume, still locked from earlier. my face scrunched up in frustration, i could've escaped, or at least tried to.

my head slowly turned to to my left, where the window let in the moonlight glow. my eyes lit up with mischief and excitement for an idea came to mind.

"why didn't i think of that?" i mentally facepalmed myself at my lack of survival instincts.

i slowly got up from the mattress, painfully aware of my wounded leg. i stood up on my two feet, my weigh pressing against my one foot. "the window should be unlock"

i stumbled over to the window sill, my hands grasping onto nearby furniture and walls to help guide me.

i pushed the thin curtains to each side of me, the sound of the thin, metal rings against the bar holding it up was the only thing left in my ears.

my fingertips slid across the long, wooden lift, turning into grip that pulled the window open.

a rush of cold, night air hit my bare skin, cooling down my sweaty figure while leaving goosebumps all over.

i bent over and peered out the window, my h/l h/c hair tickling my face. thankfully it was only a one story drop.

my heart rushed with adrenaline and fear as i sat myself on the window sill, attempting to jump out.

one by one, i dangled each leg outside the house. my bare s/c feet swung limply over the edge.

as disgusting as it was to walk out barefoot, it didn't seem as if i had much of a choice.

my lips tightened while my hands prepared themselves to push off at any given time. i took one last look down before nervously gulping. i've never been one for heights.

i tightly shut my e/c eyes, scrunching my face in the process. without trying to think any further, i pushed myself off the edge.

for a brief second i felt myself falling, which quickly ended with a hard thud on the ground.

i landed on my feet but quickly fell knees. i let out a tiny grunt of discomfort, turns out jumping out a window with weak ankles hurt way more than expected.

movies lied to me.

i looked around, my surrounds consisted of a heavily wooded forest, a dark one at that.

the night was dead silent. not even crickets dared to make a sound.

the sky above was black with hundreds of tiny, white dots that sparkled with the full moon. i would find it beautiful and stay a while if i weren't escaping ransom.

struggling entirely, i got back on my feet. i quickly dusted my legs off from small leaves and dirt before stumbling my way around the cabin.

the exterior was completely made of long logs, ones that traveled up from one side to another of the cabin.

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