[2] Raimon Junior High

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The day of the practice match came. Though it's called a practice match, it's more of a data collection on Gouenji.

The players finally made it to their destination. Raimon Junior High. From the windows, you could see students watching it all happen anxiously.

Smoke twirled skywards, encompassing the entire area. Its wisps formed an artisery in the air with its swirls and flow, indicating their arrival. A carpet of the darkest hues of scarlet layed out perfectly on the concrete floor. The atmosphere turned into a gloomy, dim grey, matching the student's unsettled faces.

The smoke cleared.

They all stepped out of the vehicle and started walking. Infront of them were their awaited opponent, Raimon's team. They stood still, stunned at their excessive entrance.

From a distance, she saw him. Leaning againts a tree, it was Gouenji Shuuya.


𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘸𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦.

A boy with brown hair, who is presumbly the captain as his arm band suggests, ran up to them.

"I'm the captain of Raimon's soccor club, Endou Mamoru." He merrily introduced himself to them.

"Thanks for asking for a practice match againts us."

He raised his hand for a handshake and was about to continue talking until Kidou coldly cut him off.

"This is our first time on this field. Do you mind letting us warm up?"

"Sure, go ahead." He sweatdropped a little, but he was still speaking in a friendly tone.

They started their warmup and getting used to the field while simultaneously demonstrating their skills. The team members never took their eyes off of them. It's as if they have never seen someone play soccor before.

If they feel daunted from a mere warmup, then they are no match for them.

They already knew that though.

With the snap of a finger, almost like a command, Henmi proceeded to jump in the air and preform a back-kick, which made the ball land in Kidou's possesion.

With a ferocious kick, Kidou sent the ball flying to the unsuspecting captain with intense force. If anyone blinked, they'd have missed it. Shockingly, he was able to stop it despite struggling. He seemed to be even more enthusiastic afterwards, the shoot having an exhilarating effect on him.

What an odd guy.

"We will now start the practise match between Teikoku Academy and Raimon Junior High!" The self-proclaimed commentator, who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, spoke into the mic.

"Both captains, please choose your side of the coin."

"There's no need, they can start first." Kidou said.

The least they could do is to give them the pleasure of being the ones to do the kick-off.

Everyone went to their respective positions. It's time for the match to begin.

A Raimon player with pink hair charged forward with all his might, his objective already set on reaching the goal right from the start. Sakuma and Kuuho quickly sprung into action and attempted to side tackle him. He managed to dodge it. From the corner of her eyes, she can see a smug smirk that crept up to his lips.

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