[5] Commander

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A panoramic view spans from a distance. A cacophony of bustling chatters fills the air, creating a noisy atmosphere.

Thousands of fans were cramming their way into every available seat. The seats were cold, hard and painted grey. Below the set of lights of the stadium was a scoreboard. With the match between the infamous Teikoku and the unstoppable Raimon, a crowd gathering in such a massive size was no surprise. It's truly amazing how far they've come since that practice match.

As Kuuho walked through the dark corridors of the academy, a torrent of excitement with a mixture of nervousness coursed through her veins.

Suddenly, she felt herself bump into someone. She flinched back from the sudden contact. She resdjusted her sight and was met with a fimiliar looking girl. A girl with short hair woven with the color of a winter sky and red glasses. She was startled, but regained her composure.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" She apologized.

"No, no, it's okay. I should have watched where I was going." Kuuho flashed a reassuring smile.

"Hey, aren't you one of Raimon's managers?" 

Now she knows why she looked so familiar.

"Yes!" She chirped.

"I'm Otonashi Haruna. Nice to meet you!" She joyfully introduced herself, bringing her hand up to her head like a salute.


"Nice to meet you too, Otonashi-san. You are quite pretty."  

"Oh! Thank you!" Haruna was a bit off gaurd by the sudden compliment, but was grateful nonetheless.

Her eyes wandered to Kuuho's green and red kit, immediately recognizing it.

"Wait, aren't you that girl player from Teikoku?"

"Why yes, that would be me~ It's a bit of a hassle being the only girl sometimes. Even the managers are all boys." She gave a small chuckle at the end of her sentence.

"It was nice to meeting you, Otonashi-san, but I better get going."

She understood and nodded. She has to get back to her team too, as the match was about to begin. They parted ways.

Two teams were standing next to eachother in an arranged, straight queue. There was a tense silence, a scent of anticipation that lingered around them as both teams looked onwards with high spirits. They all marched forward into the bright light.

The uproar of cheers and applause returns, only this time it got louder and louder.

Kidou looks around as if searching for something. This did not go unnoticed by Kuuho, who for some reason, sensed a disquieting feeling settle in her chest. One may call it a gut feeling.

There is no reason to feel this way, silly Kuuho. Teikoku will win.

Members of each team extented their arms in a handshake of mutual respect.

"It's the Football Frontier district finals!" The commentator spoke into the microphone. Seriously, why is this guy everywhere?

"Teikoku Academy versus Raimon Junior High!" He shouted, which earned more applause from the audience.

It was time.

With a whistle from the referee -- the world shifted and darkened.

A harsh wave of wind eddied in a whirlpool dispersed the midfield, followed by the sound of steel that shook the ground and ringed throughout the place, taking everyone's breath from their lungs. The deafening quietness in the air pounds like a drumbeat in Kuuho's heart. Dread coiled in her body, restraining her from moving as she stared at the scene before her. All members of Teikoku froze from the shock.

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