[6] Downpour

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The buzzing ambience that surrounded the stadium was swiftly replaced by a blanket of dark, moving clouds. Kuuho kicks the ball and jumps upward as high as she could, the clouds obsecuring the ball from view. Like raindrops, the ball split into multiple ones, almost like an optical illusion, with Kuuho fiercely kicking the main one towards the goal.


This is Kuuho's new hissatsu technique. A technique she was able to perfect alone in secret.

The goalkeeping captain's eyes widened. In an attempt to stop it, his body betrayed him, leaving him ultimately unsuccessful. The ball went in. Kuuho was gratified in her triumph.

"With Usugumo's new hissatsu technique, Teikoku takes a point!" The commentator shouted.

"Had no idea you were keeping that from us." Kidou remarked, smirking.

"Surprised, huh?" She said with a playful tone.

They both yearned for victory, and they were both going to achieve it.

Though, Kuuho couldn't help but feel as if Raimon's captain wasn't giving his best effort. He didn't have the same desire for victory they sought-out for, despite him being so enthusiastic mere minutes ago.

She decides not to think too much of it and went on.

Kidou charged forward, quickly dodging Raimon's defense, showing his incredible finesse.

He was about to prepare himself to launch a shoot until he was stopped by none other than Kidokawa's former striker, Gouenji. He came from the front just to block his shoot; two indomitable players clashing together.

Gouenji was able to desist him. He tumbled back in an unusual manner, landing on the ground and shielding his leg. 

"Oh no! Is Kidou injuried?!"

The soaring sensation caused him to wince, but what hurt even more was the realization that this injury may impact his overall preformence in this match which weighted heavily on him.

He couldn't afford to lose. He can't.

The match has been paused momentarily.

From the corner of her view, Kuuho saw her again. It's Haruna. Her eyes were like a glistening sea of hidden feeling as she watched the boy struggle while walking, the deep concern in her eyes was evident.

It could just be that seeing someone get injuried would cause you to feel remorse for them, but Kuuho felt that her feelings were more complex than that.

Then, she realized something.

At the time, she couldn't decipher it exactly, but she suspects that the 'Haru' Kidou spoke of the other day and Haruna were the same person.

It was just an assumption, of course, but it wouldn't hurt to delve more into it.

"Hey," She emerged behind the girl who was too consumed by her mental conflicts.

"Ah!" She yelped, standing back.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Kuuho sheepishly apologized. It was a bit of a habit for her.

"Are you worried about him?" She looked back at the injuried male.

"I..." She trailed off. She wasn't expecting that question. From the few interactions they had, Kuuho manages to catch her off gaurd everytime.

"Yes, I am.." Heart heavy, her voice lowered to a faint whisper.  She looked down, hoping to find solace.

Kuuho got closer to Haruna, and her voice softened.

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