[8] Your friends

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A pleasent breeze grazes againts her skin, warming her neck. The air reeks of sticky humidity and fresh grass. The sun seems to shine brighter today, capable of melting the lonliest of winters, and you can feel the life crawl back into the body of a young girl.

Kuuho was finally freed from the hospital. She felt an invigorated amount of energy surge through her, like she was a new person. She was finally able to breath, having being stuck in that confined hospital room. Her injuries have healed, even if some have left a mark on her skin. Whatever, it will go away. That is the last thing she could care about right now.

She took the time to relish in the soft coziness of her own bed back home. 

Of course, that doesn't mean she can just leave it forever. Sakuma and Genda were still recovering. And to keep her esteem of a good friend, she goes to visit them.

Sakuma stared blankly with a listless frown on his face. He didn't seem to be too keen on socializing in this time, only exchanging some words here and there. He looked like an empty husk of who he once was, even when she tried reaching out. 

But when he did speak, there was something that unerved her when Sakuma mentioned Kidou. It felt like there was an underlying of envy in his words, but she didn't comment about it. Part of it was because she feared that it would dampen his already weakened state.

Nowdays, he just wanted to be left alone. She can't blame him, he honestly looks horrible right now, but that's besides the point.

Genda was fortunately more willing to converse, even with the deep frustration inside of him, but she could tell he still appreciated it.

Kuuho always thought of herself as the peacemaker, even though some may not agree with that. She attempted to cheer them up in her visits and frequently checked up on them. Sometimes it fell flat, sometimes it worked.

Her consecutive little visits stopped shortly when her father suggested to take her on a trip for some time. Her little brothers are coming as well. Back then, they'd have visited Kuuho in the hospital, but they are too young to go by themselves. Nevertheless, Kuuho was absolutely estatic. She gets to go on about her day without hearing her mother's disheartening words, and just overall have a good time. Speaking of her mother, Kuuho found out that she was feigning being worried for her infront of friends and distant family members who heard about the situation in order to garner sympathy. In the end, most of the attention went to her. 

Her father covered up the expenses.

She really wished she lived with her father.

Tragically, she is not able to live with her father, despite him being more financially adequate. Not to mention, he actually fulfills the role of a parent.

Anyway, she really did not want to think about how much schoolwork she missed and will probably have to make up. She was trying her best to forget about it.

Despite all of that, she thoroughly enjoyed her time with her father and it strengthened their bond. She knows how he can be heavily occupied with work, so it shows how much he cares. She felt as if all her troubles have vanished.

Things have been going fantastically thus far, but there was one problem Kuuho was facing.

She kept Genda's number to keep in contact with him while she was away. He usually replies fairly fast. Well, not like he does much these days.

What's the problem?

 Recently, he has stopped replying to her texts.

Okay. That's not a big deal. He might be busy questioning his life, it happens, but she just couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

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